
Interesting! I remember being rather shocked just how cruel her father was when reading the book as well, but that in my opinion was simply a good plot twist. I do think there was a Roger, but he was so bland and his role so small that I cannot picture him at all. So the scene exists in a Director's Cut? Where can I

I'm clearly outing myself as a Smash nerd here, but the fictional choreographer of "Bombshell," Derek, didn't win his Tony for choreographing that show, but for choreographing the much lamer "Hit List" with the much, much lamer Karen. But we're on a good path there! Joshua Bergasse, who actually choreographed the

I'd happily wear a sign that marks me as #teamIvy :)

Looking at the hundreds of thousands of dollars the Kickstarter for the one-night-only concert raised, I'd say that's not fully correct.

Except for two (I think) songs, all of them feature the Marilyn Monroe character. Others merely get to participate. It worked for the TV show, because the focus was on which actress would get to play Marilyn, but such a solo show would be hard to pull off on Broadway, I think. Unless they do split it between Norma

The 1900 hours was also strange, because they got to his mom's in Bakersfield in the afternoon (Grandma Blanche was still at her 1:30 pm bridge game) and not at 7 pm. Or does Bridge take that long? Maybe they were really planning to get there the night before at 7 pm, but then lunch took longer (no one checked the

The fourth HP movie was the worst, IMO. Could be because the book was one of my favorites. But they just hasten everything along so badly. We hardly get anything from the Quidditch World Cup!

I absolutely LOVED The Golden Compass book, so I was very excited for the movie- which turned out to be a huge let-down. My main problem was that I felt the girl who played Lyra wasn't right. I can't even remember Roger. Everything was just so much less impressive than it was in my imagination. And they end it on a

It's three years to late now, but Jabbar has read the book. Crosby said "Has he [Dr. Joe] read all seven books like us?" So Crosby and Jabbar read all the books and were half-way through the Goblet of Fire movie, the way I understood it. Still SUPER SUCKY to show him movie #6 if he was still watching movie #4 with his


Also binge-watching, though I fell behind a little recently. All I wanted to say was: Hey. I love Joel. He's the one I'd marry, even though I was given to understand he might not stay this perfect. But as for now: yay Joel!

The AV Club did a piece the other day on TV episodes that are hard to rewatch and this immediately came to mind for me. "The West Wing scene with Toby and Andy in her dream house where she shoots down his proposal once and for all!" Absolutely heartbreaking. I was watching it with my mom the other day who's going

The AV Club did a piece the other day on TV episodes that are hard to rewatch and this immediately came to mind for me. "The West Wing scene with Toby and Andy in her dream house where she shoots down his proposal once and for all!" Absolutely heartbreaking. I was watching it with my mom the other day who's going

Wasn't Shutdown also in season 5? I really liked that one.

Wasn't Shutdown also in season 5? I really liked that one.

Seriously. So annoying. Why on earth did we have to listen to that FOUR TIMES???

Seriously. So annoying. Why on earth did we have to listen to that FOUR TIMES???

The sub-headline for the review is Trophy Dad! I miss this show so much. Bradley Whitford was a GREAT dad there. Love.

Haha, exactly!

Had to come back here after the penultimate season 2 episode. Just re-watched the pilot, and it's still awesome 1.5 years later :)