
No, I think they were talking specifically about household chores. It is usually considered to be “not manly” to participate in that. Now it depends on the individual, of course, for example, my wife and I are too lazy so we procrastinate and then finally someone gets pissed off enough to do it. But the general trend

Oh boy, don’t even get me started on Astrology. Fucking curse, like black magic. If looks could kill, the stares I got when I told people that I was an atheist and I found these practices amusing would have surely killed me by now. Education does nothing to solve the problem either. Well, to be frank, I thought the US

Meh. The damage totally depends on the size of the deer, whether it was on the ground or mid-jump, and the velocity at the time of impact. The damage seems consistent with what happened to my friend’s Camry. It is the fire that bothers me. Still, it is not something that came up during the crash tests, so it probably

Yet at 30 (and unmarried), my views have radically changed.

So if you’re not Muslim, how can you be more considerate of those who are?

How the fuck is this a hate crime? I can understand getting offended by it but hate crime? Talk about exaggeration.

Is this the same Glenn Danzing who penned the following?

I only see him chime in what the white woman forgot to add. Did you expect him to keep his mouth shut? Not sure what you really want to say.

I don’t see it.

I was thinking the same thing. His oldest son is in UCLA and he will be drafted soon. No way that dude was playing yesterday.

My family does not just take my phone. Even if a random relative does take it, it will be locked 99% of the time. Only my wife and my flatmate know the pattern/password for my phone. That’s usually to allow them to manipulate the phone/search for directions while I am driving and both are pretty good about only

“Sorry—I live in a black neighborhood. I came here and didn’t see color.”

The Yi DashCam is really good. I bought one about a month ago and have had no issues whatsoever. The Android app is decent too though it cannot play back the higher resolution videos. Still, great value for money.

The Yi DashCam is really good. I bought one about a month ago and have had no issues whatsoever. The Android app is

Lots of people have already done that for you. Jeremy Clarkson once donated a punch as well.

Pretending to speak for non-white people is the problem here. It reeks of a very common issue: “Oh, look at me, I am so fucking awesome, unlike you peasants. I totally understand the problems of racism.” while living in a predominantly white neighborhood and whose daily interactions with people of color involve

There is a reason why monkeys should not be kept as pets. It doesn’t work out well for them or for humans.

This line manager needs to get 5 minutes with me. I can show him a lot of things that are “not bullying”.

His look says it all, lol. He’s thinking “what an amusing little asshole” hahahaha

I am going to perform a lobotomy on myself so that I can fully enjoy this amusing shit-show and silence the rational part of my brain that keeps telling me that despite the amusement this will not end well for us.