
To be fair he could have made this a lot worse than it was. At least he chose to not take anyone else out with him, unlike that scumbag Germanwings first officer Andreas Lubitz who decided that 149 other innocent people were going to die with him that day.

I have owned more trucks and SUV’s then cars, I like having something I can use on the rare occasions I need to haul stuff (self-sufficiency and whatnot).

This!!! I drove my grandmother’s ‘13 (?) Tahoe a couple months back and couldn’t stop staring at the off-center gauge cluster. It drove me up a freaking wall. I couldn’t believe Chevy would let that happen in the one of the best selling SUV’s on the market...

I miss the 5.7

I’m right with you. I work at a large used-car dealership that works primarily with newer vehicles, and so I have a LOT of exposure to the field. GM’s trucks and truck-based SUVs just boggle my mind. They feel like they were designed by several groups who didn’t talk to each other, and who just had to make the edges


I was going to apologize for the use of MS Paint. But eff that, MS Paint is amazing.

Plane 1 - So what are you doing this weekend?

I had a F150 work truck that basically lived on dirt/clay/gravel roads or going down back country bi-ways in NE-PA. A place that is wet in the spring/fall and snows a shit ton in the winter. The roads are pre-treated with a brine in the winter that gets turned into a spray and covers everything. I put about 75k miles

I am not surprised at the 3 series and Prius but my theory for the Nissan Leaf -”Let me just drive around in this other electric car for couple years while waiting for the cool one.”
On that line, So I guess no one traded up from a Chevy Volt/Bolt because they are all Real People, Not Actors™?

Speed doesn't kill..... It's the jerk in the left lane blocking that's killing everyone!

This. I had a Detroit put in my 99 and it was awesome. Had to learn how to powerslide everywhere when it rained but not spinning one tire from a stoplight was worth it. My 02 has the factory locker which seemingly doesn’t work at all and really makes me miss the Detroit I put in my 99. It’s also worse because I knew

I’m guessing they want to squeeze that extra 0.002165432 miles per gallon out of it by reducing the drag. And looks, but looks can really only go so far. When you make something less functional fewer people will buy it, and then everyone wonders why the sedan is a dying breed.

Not exactly, there have always been two very different markets for the compact pickup.

Not related directly to SUV drivers, but my pet peeve is people who walk behind vehicles backing up in parking lots (vechiles that drive behind other vehices backing up in parking lots too,  Visibility from modern cars and SUV’s sucks, but backup cameras just became required earlier this year).  And for anyone hoping

I agree with what you are saying, but I think it is also important to know why they are getting hit in the first place. I can’t tell you how many times I have had to slam on my brakes because some moron looking at their phone with ear buds in just walked into the street without looking - and I don’t even drive in a

Myself, I would need to see the actual results of the studies that have concluded SUVs are a full 2X more likely to kill someone than cars.

Care to seek those stats out though, instead of just assuming they exist?

While I don’t disagree with NHTSA that SUVs are more likely to cause pedestrian fatalities, they are not making the claim that more SUVs is the cause of more deaths. The journalists here are. Simply looking at the number of deaths without controlling for SIGNIFICANT other factors (distraction of drivers and

In this case, it is a fact that the overall level of distraction via devices is substantially higher than it was in 2009, both by operators of cars/SUVs and of pedestrians. The exact amount I don’t know, but omitting that information and establishing causation from SUVs is dishonest or ignorant, or both.