
Stanced Toyota RAV3

I’ve done the same thing in my 2012 Raptor up in Pa. Instead of taking my dad’s old Forrester out hunting up in the mountains, we started taking my raptor, and that thing would tear up the mountain cuts and trails.

ABC is reporting that the final cost of the contract is around $3 billion, but that cost is probably rising. His $4 billion number may not be that much of an exaggeration.

The 5.4 was the original engine with the 6.2 being an option.

What are they going to do, though? Crash the dollar by selling their treasury notes? The debt they hold is not the kind which can be called just because. It’s a contract note, not a mortgage. What’s more them crashing the dollar would be the ultimate form of cutting one’s nose to one’s face. Sure, the US would be hurt

China needs us more than we need them. Their economy is stagnant and Trumps friendly, non-neutered overtures to Taiwan, the Philippines, and Vietnam are meant to send a message that these formerly ‘second-tier’ SE Asian nations do NOT stand alone against Chinese hegemony in the region.

I’m going to say this as delicately as I can.......FUCK CHINA! Seriously, they are violating sovereignty in the South China Sea, refusing to abide by courts of law, building island and projecting power, and we’re supposed to be upset that Trump had a phone call with someone that might make china a little upset? Fuck

Could be wrong, but unless Carrier is going bankrupt (which I don’t think is the case) they could afford to keep 1,000 jobs if they didn’t pay so much at the top. Also, leading us to believe that companies would fear outsourcing and stroking their dicks to get them to stay are 2 totally different things.

1st Gear: Let’s step back from the politics and ask:

Fuck you. Fuck you right in the pussy. An honest hardworking guy busting his ass all day to feed his family made bad decisions? But the dude flipping burgers has no other choice? I repeat, fuck you. How do you think your car keeps running? Where do you think your shit goes when you flush the toilet? God damn it, fuck

Agree. As a small business owner I am not be able to hire someone for the work I need done. It is easier and less costly for me to do the work.

The minimum wage should be abolished out-right. The percentage of the workforce that actually earns the minimum wage is minuscule. These are jobs for teenagers, part time extra cash and something-to-do on the weekends or while the kids are at school. Entry level, no/low skill jobs aren’t about the money in most cases.

The map is also silly, as it assumes only certain locations have them. The Navy is very hush hush about their nukes. And many subs and carriers may have them. Nuke sub bases are all around the NE, as well as several places in California, VA and Florida. I’m pretty sure Norfolk, San Diego and Pearl Harbor Naval Bases

Because the majority of the strait of Juan De Fuca and the Haro strait are in U.S. territorial waters. If we’re going to go nuclear on trade agreements, then that also means taxing goods being transported through our territorial waters, or outright denying them altogether.

You conveniently forget how Canada is going to trade with Mexico without coming through the U.S. first. They can’t use the west coast, and traveling up from the Gulf of Mexico to the eastern seaboard of Canada is going to be very, very expensive.

Every decent American who knows what’s in store for our country under President Trump...

Even better, check the death-toll in the US during the Obama presidency... I rest my case...

Obama didnt start any wars... WTF... how long have you been livin in Disneyland? YOu should tell your parent to pick you up!

Yup and towards the end the hate/bigotry was WAY higher on the left.