
How is a quad door full size to a quad door compact apples to apples? What about the $1000 dollar automatic option for the Toy? Ford is racing the super cab, not the super crew therefore looking just at off-road performance you would compare the base models. Plus a super cab Ford probably has a bigger cab then the

You know.... I’m all for small government and think in general that government regulations are way too draconian, but even I am glad the NHTSA stepped in on this one. I’m even impressed with their methodology. They didn’t say an outright “no, you cant do this, cease and desist right now!” They said “Hey, this seems

Only part I agree is Gizmodo is new Gawker, although along with Deadspin.

Jeez. So much hate in the comments. Am I the only one who thinks this looks good? It’s crisp, and grown-up looking. Does a good job of looking distinctly Volkswagen while also not looking like they just over-inflated a Passat.

Clearly, the Swedes haven’t figured out that you can just plow into the moose without denting the Toyota Hilux, the only truck to have gotten to the North Pole with Jeremy Clarkson driving it, and climb a Volcano, with Captain Slow going ever so slowly over lava.

This is why I never understood putting political garbage on cars. Who needs some unbalanced fuckstain keying the car because of some misguided reaction to a fucking sticker.

ordered a 2014 hood, got a 2018 hood and it NEARLY fitted and visually is almost identical. oooo, such progression Jeep.

No no no, you’ve got it all wrong. He simply said that she sounds like she’s retarded. That’s it. That’s all! The liberal media is just spinning this non-story, like USUAL. It’s completely different to say that she *sounds* retarded, and not offensive whatsoever unless you’re a special snowflake with wittle baby

I don’t think seat spacing has anything at all to do with the size of the plane. You’re cramped as fuck in economy on a Quantas or Lufthansa A380, just like you are on many 787s. 

Do Camrys also enrich themselves by selling favors while in office?

Isn’t that called a 4Runner? Or if you want more comfort and less off road a Cherokee?

The Wrangler is the lowest of the low for comfort and ride quality so anything will be an improvement.

So like kinda like this

Too bad most sport cars won’t ever see a race track

This one pegs the bullshit meter to the max. I used to live in Texas and had an Impala. Sitting in traffic in 105 degree heat with dew points near 90 degrees had zero effect on how hot the engine ran. Police cars have upgraded cooling systems to help them deal with being used harder than civilian cars. They’re

The so called “visionaries” in Silicon Valley are really like the idiots from the eponymous TV show. They think the whole world is like their cushy little bubbles in San Fransisco. They literally have no idea what the real world is or how it works. Nearly all of them run massively unprofitable “businesses”. It only

You clearly don’t know what those differences actually translate to when it comes to efficiency.

True, but TCAS only works within 1200' of elevation (+/- 600) and has a distance range of 2.1-20NM.

the op didn’t go into things like TCAS, so i didn’t feel the need to be officious about it.

Well, correct in a way. Aircraft have weather radar. For traffic avoidance aircraft are equipped with TCAS (traffic collision avoidance system) to ensure separation.