walking for exercise is how I lost the first 100 of the 168 pounds I lost. And I thank the walking gods every day because I look fabulous.
walking for exercise is how I lost the first 100 of the 168 pounds I lost. And I thank the walking gods every day because I look fabulous.
I lived in Uzbekistan. I was part of the last Peace Corps group (shout out to Uz-18!) to be stationed there before the government kicked us out. People are terrified of her. My host sister made me sit with her in a closet with her before she would talk openly about her. No joke. She is terrible. As terrible as her…
I lived in Uzbekistan. I was part of the last Peace Corps group (shout out to Uz-18!) to be stationed there before the government kicked us out. People are terrified of her. My host sister made me sit with her in a closet with her before she would talk openly about her. No joke. She is terrible. As terrible as her…
"stanky-as-fuck dreadlocks" . . .a sweeping generalization that always makes me cringe. Dreadlocks don't stink. Clarification, there is no reason they have to stink. My mother had long flowing dreadlocks for twenty years. They are small, tightly braided and well kept. My little sister has dreadlocks. They are much…
in the spirit of complete honesty, i have to admit, living in ukraine and being so outside of what was considered attractive there was a large part of what inspired me to lose about one hundred and fifty seven pounds and counting.
ukraine was not great for my self esteem. i lived there for two years. as someone who didnt fit the normative beauty standard, tall, black and thick, i was not considered attractive. at all. but i actually dont see what these women are doing as necessairly a bad thing. the beauty standard was so rigid in ukraine, i am…
"... ferry impressionable children away from the makeshift birthing area to go have a looksie at the lions, even though all lions do at the zoo is nap and begrudge you with their haunted eyes." Excellent! I actually spit up coffee laughing so hard.
I laughed when I saw the picture; then read the title of the article and went "oh." I make fun of things that scare me and I like jokes that play on generic images and stereotypes. This combined both those elements.
it means you have excellent taste in television
to echo @otiseagle; I also get what you were trying to say and discuss. Sometimes its hard to have a conversation in jezebel comments without people reacting in a way that you know they would never do in real life. so disappointing. and to answer your question, maybe both men wanted to have her without her consent and…
...or you call police / child services because clearly he is acting out.
You are right. There is a serious double standard. White women often get away with saying extremely inflammatory things about men and women of color and then hiding behind whatever double standard society has given them. But there are two issues that come up whenever I read opinions like the one you wrote. When you…
2 years ago I lost 154 pounds over the course of a year. I also proceeded to pretty much lose my damn mind. In terms of my clothing choices. I was just so happy with my body. I wanted everyone else to appreciate the new me also. But since I was in law school, I had to have a nodding acquaintance with decency. So I…
It appears that she has since been suspended.
I think that is a complete misinterpretation. he follows the statement about "pretty little girls" by stating that " . . .i f you're relying on that, when you hit 40, you're out the door." The implication being that his daughter is in fact pretty but if all she relies on alone is her looks, then when she hits 40 (the…
I am assuming you were trying to be funny. And if that assumption is correct, you just made my day!