And here I thought the article was just going to be one word, “LSD”
And here I thought the article was just going to be one word, “LSD”
Yup, I mentioned this too. Yesterday’s change was bullshit. Purely done to monetize the game by making it virtually impossible to play without buying capture items now, given how unreliable they’ve been patched to be. This is especially disheartening for rural players, since they already don’t have any stops they can…
Yea great for tracking. How about reverting the bullshit change from yesterday’s patch where a 10 CP caterpie can now break out of a ball five goddamn times.
So when is the truck full of raw sewage going to visit EA?
Objectively you could argue both titles are fairly overhyped. ‘Average’ would be a definitive misnomer though, if they were average then subsequent “better”/newer titles would be improvements across the board,or at the very least would ship more units. Historically that’s not really been the case most of the time.…
I agree, with the caveat that it was still more than possible to “Press X until combat ends” in FF13 as well. There was more flashy animations going on and whatnot, but the core issue that many people mock ATB systems for (you can just mash attack until the game is over) was still present in 13 as well... with 13…
Yea a big part of the free roaming experience is lost in modern titles, Chrono Trigger had a lot of optional things going for it in this regard, since the free roaming opened up stuff like the Geno Dome/Mother Brain in the future, The Rainbow Shell quest chain for the top tier weapon, stopping the Zenan desert with…
To be fair, Gygax is a pretty cool guy and made some real game changing contributions to nerd culture/gaming, but he’s also from something of a different time. Didn’t he create D&D around late 1960s-1970 or so? Chances are pretty good that most girls in the late 60s and early 70s probably weren’t that interested in…
Don’t forget those other stellar examples of “Love Thy Neighbor” (as long as they believe the same thing or we’ll effing kill you), like the Witch Trials or the Inquisition.
Kind of common sense though, had she taken more than two seconds before immediately flying off the handle at an innocuous joke.
Please Stop reinforcing the design philosophy that rewards throwing real money at a progression based unlockable item or mechanic. Seriously stop. STAHP IT! Remember when these sorts of things were linked to player accomplishments or level breakpoints, or game progression instead of how hard you can throw money at the…
I think they probably would have been fine to remove the mats grinding and other things that acted as drains on people’s time without getting “boredom” complaints if they’d replaced it with something else. I suspect that Ashran failing to entertain most people and the assumption that the garrisons would carry the…
The raiding in the current game is still enjoyable, it’s actually one of the things they seem to have nailed properly. It’s just that outside the two or four hours a week where you’re doing that, there’s not much to do. In Vanilla or TBC that typically didn’t happen, because you had to busy yourself running all over…
Agreed, you can argue all day about whether it’s sustainable content-wise over the long term (which is why other large companies like EverQuest had progressive unlock servers to combat the stagnation. So your vanilla server would transition to TBC after three years or so, allowing you to ride along with it, or re-roll…
Sure you could avoid cookie cutter builds, you could also build a character around a legendary you got on another character. For example you could make a sorceress with a maxxed out block rate built around a Stormshield instead of just soaking vit, or have three different sorcs that all played entirely differently…
Yea I’m sure he’s a nice enough guy in person, but a lot of the ideas I’ve seen enter production under his tenure are... cause for concern in my opinion. The Real Money AH (D3) and Garrisons/Shipyards (WoW) both de-stabilize the player controlled economy, replace or artificially force into obsolescence portions of…
Well to be fair, WoD is right up there with Launch day D3 on the list of “half-finished, poorly executed, gameplay undermining ideas that never should have left development”. RMAH is to Diablo Gameplay/Economy as Garrison [or worse the Shipyard] is to WoW Gameplay/Economy. If this means an end to these sorts of ideas…
Rifts/Bounties/Seasons I agree are good ideas that Diablo 3 brought to the table. A proceedurally generated endless dungeon someplace that got harder/more rewarding and created its own bosses and such would not have been remiss as well, all of which I’d consider improvements over Baal farming.... however I think…