
I think 4/AllWD with snow tires works, too.

Does the AJV8in the LRs have the same chronic coil-on-plug problems of the the 3.9L version used in the Lincoln LS?

“... cultural & language differences...”

Was out riding my bicycle today and had a Prius almost sideswipe me—in California, it’s a law to give riders 3 feet—maybe he was pissed because I was saving the Earth more than he was (assume male, but sometimes women can be just as rude).

So, how did a buddy of a Jalop come up with $3M?

... or launching thousands of ‘microsatellites’ that ruin the night sky for astronomers (or any stargazers, really).

re: “Had zero problems with 2017 Giulia over two years of lease..”

“It’s a brand that has been fundamentally absent from the U.S. for well over 20 years, and there’s still many people that have never heard of Alfa Romeo … and it just takes time, it takes time,”

FWIW, my son worked at Hertz as an office manager for a couple years after college. When he moved to another state (Idaho) he bought a Jeep Compass—don’t blame me ;)—whose 4WD came in handy. He’s not a ‘car guy’ per se, but he learned enough about maintenance from me that if he thought the rentals were grievously

Used to be if you had any one of three brakelights out you’d get pulled over (and a sobriety check often followed). Where I live—California’s Central Valley—about every fifth car has at least one brakelight out, and no one gets pulled over for it.  They also speed unsafely, run stop signs/lights and tailgate, but

Just turn your emergency flashers on; covers all bases.

re: “.. would that be a bad thing?”

I think it’s called a ‘manifesto.’

So it’s a no-go at the Nurburgring?  This is a boulevard cruiser, not a track car.

re: “Vote Republican: prove you’re an idiot incapable of seeing an inch past your nose for the ramifications.”

I believe the ‘factory’ is in Everett, WA (not Seattle); at least that’s where it was when I visited it.

My understanding—could be wrong, of course—is that the decision to half-ass the 737MAX, instead of building a clean sheet design, was made at the highest levels (i.e. previous CEO). But, someone has to take the fall, and Muilenburg ham-fisted the response.

At least Muilenburg can now ‘get his life back.’

Two of the three general aviation magazines I subscribe to reported in this month’s editions that ‘autoland’ is now available in light aircraft (note I wrote ‘light,’ not ‘inexpensive’). Press a button, the plane’s avionics system—in this case Garmin—finds the nearest suitable airport and lands the aircraft, even

I never believed in Santa, or any sort of ‘god;’ I’m way too scientifically-minded. But, I played along on both for a while when it was advantageous.