Then Dodge will just put a 1,000 lb-ft diesel in it with 1:1 rearend.
Then Dodge will just put a 1,000 lb-ft diesel in it with 1:1 rearend.
Agree. And I’m a ‘Mustang guy.’ That thing is ticket bait.
Hey, I’m an ‘aging boomer!’ Just bought a new Bullitt, only 480HP but has all the pedals I could get.
“The higher seating position does provide for better visibility.”
Well, the flyover states are always digging on the ‘coastal elites.’ Fair is fair.
Read an authoritative, seemingly technically correct comment the other day about how lithium battery-powered BEVs have to expend energy in cold weather to prevent the Li from sprouting dendrites, by heating them, that can short out the cell. Anybody know what happens when electricity shorts out in a flammable…
I believe the California taxes are fixed (per gallon), so if the base gasoline stock price rises the non-CA states will pay proportionally more. But still painful for Californians.
Ah, the world’s fifth largest economy is ‘counterproductive.’ Got it.
“SUV = 0 days of fun driving and a sad, sad life, u’d probably face alcoholism from the boredom or take Xanax to get through the day”
My parents toted my sister and I, both of us teenagers, in the back seats of a ‘66 Mustang for years. We made do.
“Try more like $5 to $6 a gallon.”
Or is it really $1.899?
“I paid $3/gallon just yesterday in San Jose.”
“$3/gallon would be a substantial price drop in the SF Bay Area”
Everyone I know (well, me) makes a point of using less gas (combining trips, etc.). If my Mustang burns twice as much fuel as your Camry, but I drive it half as much it’s a wash (well, I do have to put the best gas I can get in it). Guess who has the most fun?
something something fat Americans
Thank Mr. Colbert:
re: “Just bought my first new car and first non -BMW in years, a Golf R.”
““Chevy Surprises Competitive Owners Idiots When It Comes To Reliability.”