
The angst this book produces in those that hate it is so baffling to me. As a child of the 80's I found it to be a fun, silly romp that allowed my mind to spin up memories of days gone by. Now the chic thing to do is tear it down like its Dostoyevsky.

After nine minutes of clenched assholes they were so relieved that he was simply discriminating against a class of service members.

Being from inside the US, it’s objectively terrifying that we have a man like that in charge.

I already have Netflix. It still pisses me off that CBS is pulling this shit in the US. To the point that I’m probably not going to watch the show now simply out of principle.

And it will go unwatched with no second season because nobody has extra money in their entertainment budget to pay for a whole separate streaming service for one show.

There, happy now?

If it a prequel we have a thousand years between when the Crystal Cracked and the Restoration. That means we get to see the height of the Gelfling civilization, till the downfall and the hunting of them - so we can drink their essence, (cough cough) sorry I mean horrible horrible gelfling genocide. Also i wonder since

Make a sign that says “FREE PLASTIC MUSTACHES” pointing to a pile of plastic mustaches and rig a boulder to drop on it.

Gracie: I’d go with you but...

May the wings of liberty never lose a feather

Counter-argument: No

monogamy took the bone, and matrimony took the balls.

thank god. i’ve been wanting to shake some sense into people for awhile now. yes, nifty special effects, esp. considering most of it was “real”-ish, whatever that’s supposed to mean these days. but the movie was utter shit and shockingly boring throughout.

Not one for “me too” but gotta agree with you on this one. First in the series had a great story, second had colorful characters, this one had great stunts and cinematography. Third one had a hit song perhaps? Hope those that liked this movie go back and watch the first two also.

You watched it twice? Man, you’re a glutton for punishment.

I must be the only person to find Fury Road to be a visually stunning film, yet boring. I did laugh at the guitar-flame throwing dude however.

I think maybe you just have shit taste in movies.