
There’s always a sellout. See: Clarence Thomas.

If Black people, Jews, homosexuals, and pointy-headed intellectuals recoil in horror at the mention of the Holocaust, many Trump supporting types think there must have been something good about it.

The darkies and the gays make such delightful entertainments.

Based on that picture, the clear winner of this election is L’Oreal. Because you’re worth it.

In addition to everything else, we have to be on Megyn Kelley’s side.

Ryan. It’s going to be Ryan.

He looks the same as always: a Cabbage Patch doll left in the rain and then run through the dryer on high.

With nasal problems.

A local Arab-American activist said the safety pins mattered to the Muslim community, because that way they don’t feel so alone.

Oh my dear.

I give it six months before the GOP tries to impeach him. The essence of politics is making back room deals and HONORING them. Not a Trump strength.

What is the alternative? Falling apart won’t help. I have to soldier on for my children and because, I suppose, life is better than not, at least for now.

You should be gracious in victory. I mean, you sure showed us hurtful name-callers! It will only cost you every shred of financial security you now possess, but at least those unpleasant liberals will be too busy consoling deported refugees to call you racists any more! Enjoy it!

Obama has a wider stance and beautiful, long fingers. Just an observation.


Maybe you should find another hobby to replace hate-reading and gloating over other people’s pain. May I suggest knitting? Or novel reading? Maybe you could even spend some time in a real church and learn about Jesus. He said some nice and helpful things. So did Buddha and Maimonides. Best wishes in your healing.

Bless you, Anna. Bless you, Jezebel.

FWIW, many Trump supporters have deluded themselves into thinking he didn’t really mean all that bad stuff he said. That is completely bonkers, but it is a thing. Hence you need to chillax and enjoy the puppies, they think. Oh, it is VERY privileged.

Hispanics, an overly broad category, tend to be both religious and socially conservative, and particularly anti-abortion. A evangelical guy on my FB feed said he voted Trump over godless Clinton & Obama, because Trump was a better Christian by protecting the innocent, helpless little fetuses. I bet a lot of (legal

He won’t do that for long. Trump likes to drive the bus. And if he drives it into a wall, well, he’s still the fucking driver so just shut the hell up