
The only thing I am going to like about the Trump presidency is going to be the Great Republican Purge. Loads of deserving motherfuckers like Ryan are going down, and in flames, too. Eventually the party will eat itself. The anarchy will suck to live through, but the show will be awesome.

Damn straight. Thinking about it for my older daughter, who will be 16 next year, even though she is not sexually active.

Thank you, Jezebel. You’ve been great. I really miss your brother site, Gawker, but you’ve helped me to keep my head high, if grey.

I manage the finances for a preschool, and high staff:student ratios is the thing. In NYC, it’s 2:10 for 2 yr olds, 2:15 for 3 yr olds, and 2:20 for 4 yr olds. Since we pay a living wage and have a nice facility with a playground, our tuition is really high. About 65% of our revenues go right out the door to

I really, really want an answer to the Trump coat question.

I can forgive all the yours, but there is just no excuse for looser.

I am 51. Call me a woman, but I would never think of calling a 30-year-old woman a “girl.”

True dat. I am a singer, and while she has a fundamentally decent voice, she hasn’t done the work needed to strengthen and control it. Strange since she has access to money, coaches, and time. Same for her dancing. The second video was cringeworthy.  

One of the things I like best about Hillary Clinton is how comfortable and happy she is around children and how comfortable and happy they are around her. A simple Google search will take you to loads of pictures supporting this fact.

Lotta speculation that she is on the autistic spectrum.

Marriage fu.

That fucking sucks.

Slunk. Definitely slunk. Rhymes with skunk, sunk, and fucked.

To guys out there confused by all the outrage and wondering how to comport themselves, you just need to ask yourself one question: would I be doing this to a guy? No? Then stop or better yet don’t start.

Even though I am very, very angry about the “nasty woman” comment and the vicious attack on reproductive rights and racial minorities, I feel MUCH MUCH BETTER. Because that was the END of Donald Trump. He DAYD.

Thanks, Ashley, for keeping that front and center.

That really was disgusting. His insults get lost in all the other crazy shit that spews from his mouth in a filthy fountain, but that was seriously low.


Is Boulder Prep a private or public school? Name sounds private, but that’s an important detail.

AND, it is better.