
When it comes to putting women in jail and drafting them for combat, you can bet our overwhelmingly male legislative and justice systems are all over it. Who you calling sexist now, bitch?

Oh blech. Now cue the thousand “reviews” that raise condescending eyebrows over Gaga’s “surprisingly strong” performance.

I think they believe that once she is killed, dragged through the streets, and then hung and quartered, her Campaign Against America (TM) will completely fall apart without its demonic leader and out Nation’s True Patriots (TM) can rise and take back America for its true (white) people. I mean, they aren’t as stupid


This otherwise satisfying episode of Law & Order suffered from pacing issues, poor sound quality, and pantsless wardrobe problems.

A person can shower. I am 50.

Woman, feminist, and vocalist here. Hillary’s voice can have an unpleasant, pushed quality that sounds metallic. It’s hard on her vocal apparatus, too. She cleared her throat a lot last night and in the past has been obviously vocally tired. She would benefit from some vocal training to learn how to make her voice

Yes, because he is going to try like hell to please you. And rrraawr to the young guy. Dang.

Cooked with CSA stuff. Sauteed zucchini Mark Bittman style, cut in half-moons about 1/2" thick, browned in good olive oil at med high heat with marjoram and salt, and finished with a drizzle of maple syrup. Then I made a coffee cake with a mix of fresh currants and blueberries. The tart currants go nicely with the

Sorry to hear it. The pain, the uncertainty, and the leaning diagnosis, all of it.

Xicana? Is this a new spelling of Chicana?

No no no no no no no!!! Those two were the best of the cast. Truly. They owned the stage every time they set foot on it.

I have two daughters. When they were diaper-wearing babies, the difference in their labia size astonished me! I had never given labia size any thought previously. I mean, who cares? But it was an interesting anatomical fact.

Interesting. My sister was viciously assaulted in her home by a man wearing an ankle monitor that reported he hadn’t left his home — across town — all night. Maybe they should rethink these ankle monitors.

Latinxs is just awful. Awful. Horrid, made-up word. And I personally like zie and zir. But not Latinxs. It hurts just to type that word.

I have also told them that if they don’t follow my advice and get assaulted — or get assaulted anyway — I am 100% on their team and it is not their fault. Caution is not causation.

AND YET. I tell my daughters (only 13 & 15 now) to be very careful about drinking with people they don’t know, to take ONE drink and wait to see how it hits them before having another, avoid anything in a red cup, and to always have a friend with them at a party. Think I am a sexist troglodyte?

No sons.

Already did! Both my daughters!

In a weird way, she looks like Renee Zellweger.