
Is it just the photo or did something happen to her face? She looks like someone else.

Bet she’ll be Trump’s running mate. She meets all of the requirements.

This lovely article and the comments following are basically like a really good AA meeting. I want to thank you all so much for sharing.

I am short and grey-haired, and not one Swede tried to take my picture when I was there two years ago. Maybe I should have worn a Yankees shirt.

Am I the only one who gets ingrown hairs? I can’t even shave for a bathing suit. It’s swim shorts for me.

YES! This stupid absolutism closed-circuit logic! Knives kill people, so why ban guns? You can’t tell with 100% accuracy if a person is a psychotic psychopath, so what is the point of limiting guns to people who are thought to be psychotic psychopaths by their own shrinks? Adnauseuminfinitum.

Never letting my daughters fly unaccompanied.

I loved that book so much. Excellent news.

Oh fuck! Ffffuuucckkkk!

I had NO IDEA it was so cheap to buy a congressman. I am totally in for $100 a month for a special tax break that will net me thousands and cause my enemies endless grief and teeth gnashing. Sign me up!

She had an abortion for the same reason any woman has an abortion: her own, personal, private reason. Her abortion “reason” is as unhorrifying as anybody’s abortion reason. That’s why you were told to fuck off.

A harrowing read. But THANK YOU so very much for sharing this story. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.

That and the Waitress performance were phenomenal. Family is going to go see both. While, of course, entering the Hamilton lottery every single day.

Since Hamilton is completely sung, listening to the soundtrack is very close to seeing the show. But the clip shows what must be seen — Lin Manuel Miranda’s total commitment and intensity.

Thinking. It is so hard.

Never heard of her, but when I heard “singer was shot after concert,” I knew (1) the singer was female and (2) the shooter was a white male, either a deranged fan or ex-boyfriend. What is wrong with white male culture? No, really, what is wrong with these guys???

This is a more thorough article. Please follow this story, Jezebel!

And here’s a follow-up to another domestic murder, this one aided and abetted by the police. I read about it here on Jezebel. This awful and disgusting story needs more coverage. IIRC, he shot her in her car and his cop friends tried to talk him into surrendering WHILE THE WOMAN WAS WOUNDED AND BLEEDING. Then, instead

Bastard was sentenced in March. Seems like his police pals thought he got a raw deal.

Amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing. She is amazing. Amazing.