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Tamra is oh holy and thinks Mexican is a language. She’s sure as shit a Trump supporter.

She’s nouveau riches in the OC, she eat, sleeps and dreams about Trump and his walls (but somewhat selfishly thinks about how she’ll sneak a housekeeper over from Cabo the next time she visits).

Ooohhh, you’re right. This is classic tomato face. Slightly pretend you have a agreeing viewpoint (Trump = bad man) then angrily disagree to the point of insulting on all other facets. Refuse to engage with discussion and cause others to insult, then the flame truly begins.

My grandfather was a podiatrist. He was the only one for about a 200 ish mile radius and was considered one of the best in the NW. We all did a tour at his office, and mine was the shortest. Diabetic foot ulcers took me out day one.

Gotta bait those supermacists. Because they are so super likely to durm up support.

Its like the creepy clown sightings on steroids. 10/10, I’m scared just thinking about this costume

Narcissists can’t apologize. It’s impossible for them.   

I am to the point I can’t even try with Trump supporters. We’ve done so much with kids trying to stop bullying at that level, but now it’s a point of pride to be a bully if you like Trump?

Real talk: who do you think Trump pissed off in the RNC for this to happen?

The Bushes have never supported Trump.

Yeah, but if you read Buzzfeed’s commentary, NBC had this since before Trump was the RNC candidate.

I think he won’t show. His plane will break down or Ivanka will be hospitalized. Something that will get him out of it and create sympathy for his brand.

On Mike Crapo’s FB post saying he wasn’t going to endorse Trump (because he’s a good Mormon), the most liked comment said all asshole famous Hollywood men grab women, and women love it.


My dad never thought of clearing his browser history. Back in college when he had a computer and I had to come over late at night to write papers....

How could he compete with the A list movie star with a crooked doc (assuming the lawsuit is truthful)?

She can’t see it! No reflection in mirrors and all that jazz.

Her family was supremely supportive, there is no doubt in my mind all pronouns are the ones that Alexis would have chose.

May Pang wasn’t found by Yoko, she wasn’t some body that was interviewed for the job of being John’s gf. She was actually in love with John, but he was still obsessed with Yoko. Yoko approved of the relationship though.

He actually admitted hitting his first wife, Cynthia, repeatedly. He did hit Yoko, but it wasn’t to the extent of the Julia beatings, because Yoko and John found Est* to deal with it. Est was the first time John dealt with his feelings about his mom abandoning him, and he blamed that for his violence. Didn’t stop his