
For me, were he to pick out undiscovered comics who are cool, with new perspectives, would defeat the purpose of the show. The show you describe would be good too. But maybe that's someone else's show?Or at least a different show. I haven't watched "Riding in Cars....," but it seems like the show isn't about

Yes, that's how I read it too.

A friend of mine went to his concert too and she took a picture with him! She put it on her Facebook and it's basically a picture of him staring at her boobs. hahaha. Complex indeed.

I think I can explain.

Did you read the next paragraph? Where it says that Mattingly acknowledged and apologized? If you're saying you don't believe it was him, that's a troubling sign to me that's emblematic of victim-blaming. Now if that's NOT the case and you're calling Mattingly unprofessional and an asshole ... bingo, but it was still

There's the article.

I agree with you and I'd like to wish you godspeed because this website's membership is pretty adept at spewing nonsense about fat vs skinny vs healthy. I made a list like the following in an article a while back about the generic comments you'll see:

Now playing

Have you seen disappointing gay best friend? It's a brilliant satire of that dynamic.

I completely understand. I was recently contacted by a guy I dated in the late '80s-early '90s with random psychotic messages. I made 2 brief replies then blocked him. Two mutual FB friends gave me a heads-up that he immediately posted a screen grab of the conversation and then proceeded to post follow-up rants about

In a kinda related query, who gets the internet in a break-up? Nowadays with everyone so jacked into the internet, when two people break-up how do they avoid one another online? Particularly if they frequent many of the same sites and those sites have discussion areas. I can easily see how one party could see comments

I find the subreddit creepypms to be really cathartic. It helps me deal with this stuff by seeing just how much this is monumentally not personal and that there is no single thing that I could have said or done with a whole host of men that would have avoided these interactions. When I was younger I used to take

French woman opinion here.

Or alternatively, take the sexual/romantic element out of legal marriage altogether. I have friends with whom I have very stable, respectful, loving, but ultimately platonic relationships. From a societal standpoint, it would make far more sense for me to form a family unit with one (or more?) of them than it would

First of all, the absurdity of claiming to serve the poor, and yet to oppose access to birth control...

Secondly, benefits are, legally speaking, considered compensation. And so your employer is no more morally culpable for you using your health benefit to obtain birth control than they would be if you took the salary

Active duty military here. Tricare is very good for normal things, but very bad for exceptional cases. I have Tricare Prime, which completely covers checkups for my kid, emergency room visits, vaccinations, prescriptions, an annual vision checkup, and most ordinary things you run into with a mostly healthy kid.

Can I take a moment to remind everyone that this is NOT a Texas problem, it's a cultural problem that reaches across the entire country (world)? Thinking that this is an issue isolated to certain parts of the country helps no one, because it gives the impression that it's not happening in your own back yards, as well.

hey, i'm an asian-american girl and i totally see where you're coming from! i grew up in hong kong, though, so i have a slightly different perspective on things. i didn't even realize how much asian men were emasculated in western media/society until i came to the U.S. for college.

Hey, welcome to the life of an Asian guy! If we're not that attractive, then we might as well be leper morlocks. If we're hot, then we're deemed good enough to be considered as attractive as average white guys.

Whenever I see guys like this, I think of Squidbilly Jesus telling Early, " you. Technically, I have to."