
It also never made it to 50%. It was going up in the 90's, and when it broke 40-45% there was a flurry of articles saying that it would be fifty soon. People now assume its 50% based on the fact that time has passed, but in reality the divorce rate peaked and has been dropping for the past ten years or so.

I like that his solution to his problem is that all porn actresses should grow out their hair while all girls not in porn should shave. I can't imagine a less efficient course of action.

And chances are those emotionally stunted men are letting their emotions control them all the time while telling everyone else "This is just how the world is. Be reasonable"

It's not that hard if you have a spouse at home who will take care of domestic life for you. The problem is that it's easy for a man to justify (to himself and to others) his not being home, while women have huge amounts of pressure to take on the bulk of child-rearing/domestic duties.

I understand. I just think that most of the time the expression is given with positive intentions, sort of like "I'm sorry for your loss." It's an expression of sympathy. But I agree that casseroles are better expressions than either. They just aren't always feasible.

I was pretty anti-marriage before I got married. I kind of thought it was useless and unnecessary, and that I was just doing it to please other people/socially appropriate/fun to have a big party/whatever. I really didn't think anything would change once we got married (we were already living together with shared

I take "I'll pray for you" to mean "I care about your well-being" rather than a copout.

They really got to the heart of the Christian message right there, didn't they...

I hate that people are jerks.

I'm torn. I used to work as a chaplain in a hospital, and some people really do get a lot of strength from the idea that "God doesn't give you more than you can handle." It's not exactly Biblical, but it can be comforting and encouraging to believe that you'll get through whatever it is okay. I'm not going to take

This is much better than people asking me where the tote bags are every time I walk into a Target.