
👍 cool story bro.

Am I wrong though?

George Washington killed a whole bunch of people. Americans regard him as a great man but what about the families of the ones he killed? What about the British empire who probably looked at him like a rebel and would in this day and age probably be regarded as a terrorist.

Abraham Lincoln was a racist…

I waited for this review since Thursday! Canada still get to watch it on Thursday's 😏
I think everyone blaming NBC are blaming the wrong people even with bad ratings (for an NBC show) Hannibal still got 3 seasons! So they don't hate the show. We should be laying the blame on everyone NOT watching the show not NBC, if

When Dimmond said something like 'I guess you found him as distasteful as I did' and Hannibal replied "on the contrary" I couldn't help but laugh! Had to watch this episode twice to understand it, it was crazy and beautiful!

At the beginning of the episode, when Ilana and Abbi are swiping their cards to run for the train I wish they would have showed one of them mess up the swipe, because when you swipe your card too fast or too slow and you try to push the bars you end up looking like a complete idiot then you have to swipe again and