
@The Lab: Sorry, I missed the part where you said you were a researcher too, mostly because you did not say that. "I have worked with" doesn't always mean a researcher. You could be a X-ray tech at a hospital or work at Wal-Mart and stocked smoke detectors, those have radioactive materials in them too. I can not

Growing up my dad always put a newspaper behind the wall everytime we did a renovation. then we wrote a note on the backside of the drywall. Found a couple newspapers in some other renovations, a neat thing, just not as personal.

Love mine. One of the best presents my brother ever got me.

Great, I hope my wife doesn't see this. I been using the excuse of vertical windows so I cant put the ac unit in.

Great, I hope my wife doesn't see this. I been using the excuse of vertical windows so I cant put the ac unit in.

Confetti or baby powder in the vents, vents turned on high.

@Quattro-luvr: We used to put it under the wipers and then one spot in the middle of his vision.

@Dr. What?: That would be our political system and the laws they created with the clean water act.

@blitzcat: I am guessing with all the titanium and magnesium in the bodies that they are using a special chemical mix. straight water just makes the stuff explode.

Befriend a paramedic and enjoy an oxygen mask, B12 shot and an IV in the morning. Best cure I had, as a paramedic, for ten years.

Lets not be all that cruel, I mean there were people that liked IE6.

Just don't want to be the one that has to pay to change all the fluids out of the lower end and turntable after sitting in the water.

Hauling ass in my ladder truck or my ambulance during the Michigan winters is alot of fun. Outside of that, driving to the middle of the lake in the winter then hitting the On-Star button is a great way to get your account suspended.

So can we say HP has racial recognition instead of facial? has the older version of alot of programs including AVG if you want 7 back.