Joe Somebody

I assume that his makeup protects him, just as Kelly was made-up and able to drive to Brooklyn during the day. Makeup with a special SPF 1000 component. Maybe that was the reason he didn't use his stinger to attack anyone at the auction. Of course, that means that all the other vampires should be able to move around

Just when we thought Zach was becoming less annoying, he gets Nora killed and willingly goes off with Kelly.

Eich was fast enough to escape Quinlan, doesn't fear Gus and his buddy when they have guns pointed at him, doesn't fear Eph with his rifle, nearly takes back Red Hook which is defended by a a troop of police and UV lights, but he can't take the book by force from some gangsters?

Never fail to get in a dig at the patriarchy, do you Kyle ? Keep up the struggle, sister!

Exactly. Last time we saw her, she looked like she was going to have some sort of moral crisis. Did she even ask for any details about the Master? Yet she still doesn't trust Eichorst. Are we supposed to believe that she is actually as vain and ambitious as Palmer?

Yes, but that wouldn't jibe with the critic's worldview.

What's disappointing about the show is the lack of verbal sparring between the heroes and the villains, save for Set and Eich/the Master. It's like every fight has to involve swords or guns. Eph could have called out Palmer on the hypocrisy of whining about an innocent being harmed, when Palmer has already destroyed

Yeah, except the boat owner practically offered to sell his boat to Eich, and Eich insisted that he pilot the boat instead. Why not just kill the guy and take the boat? The point is that vamps need human assistance - Gus, Quinlan's driver, an airline pilot, etc.

Noooo! Not Coco! You take that back!

1. It was pretty clear almost from the moment Dutch joined the gang that her personal life was a mess, despite the self-confidence she displayed in plying her trade. But hey, wasn't her girlfriend the one who not only ripped her off, but abandoned her? I was waiting for her to throw that in the face of the mom. Or at

Speaking of stupid decisions, couldn't the group have just waited until, I don't know, DAYLIGHT, to get supplies? I also have a hard time accepting that we are now completely dependent on the internet for news and information. At the very least, TV stations and newspapers (remember those?) would be having a field day