
Arab women love their designers. The malls in Dubai are ridiculous, and filled with women buying high-end clothing, accessories, cosmetics. (Oh, and if you’re ever in Dubai, visit the gold market. It’s STUNNING.)

Jane the Virgin is sooooo good (and its lead-in, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, is also soooo good). I imagine NBC is trying to capitalize a wee bit on Jane the Virgin’s success with these shows, and I do admire the effort to diversify their shows.

I love:

I have a sketchy/shady uncle who used to do this. I remember him buying a lamp that matched his old broken lamp, putting the broken lamp in the new box and taking it back to Target or wherever it was he bought it.

Bielema was just a single guy getting wasted and hooking up with coeds. Nothing really...wrong with that, just very skeezy.

My immediate reaction was, “HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?” The Princess shit is EVERYWHERE. My daughter has Disney princess-themed puzzles, pajamas, T-shirts, dolls, bedroom slippers. She’s only seen a couple of the movies but she knows all their names because of the sheer amount of products they have. It’s ridiculous.

The first thing I thought of. He wrote an entire episode of The West Wing as a temper tantrum response.

It’s hard to put in print what Bo did for Wisconsin basketball. He ruffled the Big Ten’s feathers big-time. Before Bo came along, it was all about Michigan/Michigan State/Illinois. But Bo changed all that. He competed for and won Big Ten titles. He made the NCAA tournament every year. And he did that at Wisconsin,

$90 for a lipstick. Does it come with a diamond necklace or something?

Aren’t these salaries usually paid by boosters? It’s not like the university is paying the salaries. So, who really cares? Let the rich old guys throw their cash after stupid shit.

I have biscuit cutters with handles on them. They’re just boring round shapes, but they can also be used as cookie cutters. I got them at Target for like two bucks, I think.

The Body by Victoria line is really great for this. I like the lined (not padded, I’m already big enough up there, thank you very much) solid colored bras. They’re a bit pricey ($44-48) but hold up pretty well.

I want to know what he said to Griffin. It must have been good to earn that technical.

Most toys for kids are such BS, especially the ones that claim they’ll make your kid smarter. Kids actually really love ordinary household objects to play with. My son loved sour cream and yogurt containers. He loved nesting them together and banging on them with wooden spoons.

Good old-fashioned cornstarch works best to keep a baby’s butt dry. If your baby gets diaper rash, slap some cornstarch on it and the rash will heal in a couple hours. This comes as a tip from my grandmother and my mother. I used to keep a container of cornstarch on my baby’s changing table. (For the diaper bag, a

So, question. If they’re paid for 24 hours a day, do they get overtime? Or are they classified as managers and thus don’t get overtime? How does that work in Canada? Genuinely curious here.

I’ve never even heard of her, what a shame. I will definitely be checking out her books.

I love her hair and makeup. And all her coats. She wears some great coats.

When I worked at Marshalls in the Mall of America in high school, we regularly had people from Chicago who, wanting to avoid their sales tax, would drive up just to shop for clothes. They would buy enough clothes to last for an entire year or two.

One time during a T’Wolves playoff game, my whole family, small children included, was gathered around a TV watching. Garnett dunks, turns around and screams “MOTHERFUCKER!” TNT replayed it in slo-mo without the sound, but you could clearly read his lips.