
That’s the problem, I’m not new here. Just tired of what has become a pretty lame joke.

I’m not a Cardinals fan at all, but I -am- starting to hope they do well l, just to piss off Deadspin. Deadspin is The Best Sports Blog with the Best Bloggers in the bloggerverse!

LOL Deadspin hates the Cardinals. Good thing that every single other team doesn’t have essentially the same percentage of douchebags in the locker room and in the stands.

Not sure anyone should get too excited. The last time the Cardinals started 0-2 was 2011.

Cardinal fans take the Deadspin community’s hate as a compliment. Every team would love to have the relevance and success year-in-year-out that it takes to be hated.

Are we still doing this? Jeeze. You guys should charge the Cards rent for the amount of time they apparently spend in your heads.

Could you please link to a single one of those tweets. No? Man, Cardinals fans are the worst! AMIRITE!

Oh, is this gonna be a regular thing?

Uh oh. I accidentally saw an email last night that my cat sent to this photgrapher setting up a special photography session with his wonderful owner NEXT WEEK.

two american kids killing toddlers in the heartland

Little Ditty with Jo and dying.

How the hell do you put a giant chaw in your mouth while blowing a fucking bubble?

Nice to see Garfield survived the last shot this time.

I wish I could find it again, but long ago in an issue of SI there was an article on Gossage that described him throwing batting practice to his son and getting so fed up that the kid had his foot in the bucket while batting that he hit the kid with a pitch. The kid got up and screamed “Dad, you’re an asshole!”

I think this rant actually qualifies as three delegates for Donald Trump.

“Hey, it’s just a dinner meeting with friends, right? Let’s all gather around the ol’ laptop and look at some illegally filmed lady bits. We’ll turn off all the lights and if someone’s pants just happen to come off, so be it, amirite? HAHA, it’s good to have friends.”

Playing for the Brewers for a couple of years should clear this right up.

I have no idea why but I read that in John Oliver’s voice.

“God damn it, Glenn. You’re holding up the assembly line! Have you seen our clients? Those clits don’t have to be perfect.”

There are the same people who facebook shamed their friends into attending a one-year-recommittment ceremony which required airfare, hotel rooms, and money to be spent on eating out.