
I live 90 or so miles south of St. Louis, in Carbondale, and Southern Illinois University there sells provel-cheese-on-a-cracker-not-pizza at their football games (five bucks for a slice, gag) and during their home opener against Eastern Illinois, someone threw one at one of their linebackers after he made a

Yes, but she's saying "Champlain? Shmoopie loopie"

If I had a Qatar for every bad pun I see on this site, I'd be a rich man.

Seems as though Allah the good stories about sportsmanship have come out of the Middle East recently.

Don't forget Kate Beaton!

How To Make Football Players Lose Their Minds: Let Them Play Football

"For God's sakes, Lemon. We'd all like to flee to the Cleve and club-hop down at the Flats and have lunch with Little Richard, but we fight those urges because we have responsibilities."

I don't get it. Where's the nudity? The drugs? The trips to rehab? The car accidents? The drunken upskirt photos?

For those who've never seen it. Ryan Gosling and Steve Carell, cloned into one person.

He looks more like Ryan Gosling than Ryan Gosling does.

This news story keeps getting me down, so I'm happy that this was the first thing that came to my mind:

"...the sex had gone too far."

Do you think he's wrong, or are you just being a dick?

Yeah let's just discredit everything a human being says or even thinks. Never mind the fact that he now takes medication and speaks at a lot of events about the dangers of domestic violence and the stigma attached to mental illness.

Your right he is not a perfect human being so nothing he says in valid

Uh, a lot actually. That's what started his whole public discussion on mental illness and actually took responsibility for his own actions.

I'm not sure, but his past completely discredits whatever opinions he has on non-football topics, let alone society in general, right?

[puts 90125 on the record player]