
If I could, I'd be making more money than I am now. Idle speculation on my part, but I'm in Austin so I assume there's someplace around here that would have that.

I bet if you went to the right places you might...

Same here. God, I teared up just reading that.

To be fair, Tim, Punto and Schumaker got major portions of their grittiness from their days in St. Louis. Just sayin'.

You said it better than I ever could have. It's just trolling, and you just can't feed the trolls.

Yeah, sort of. His was so over the top that I just felt like someone was screeching in my ear the whole time.

As a Cards fan, thanks! It has the makings of a great series. Deadspin seems to just be having a ball trolling the Cards fans right now. It probably doesn't hurt that the founder (Leitch) is a Cards fan.

Yeah, I'd just gotten my book signed by him a couple of months ago, and I liked the Postmortal. I get that this was Deadspin trolling Cardinal fans, and I suppose it's nice that everyone is noticing us for a little bit. However, I had no idea the level of hatred that we actually inspire...

Deadspin's hard-on for hating the Cards this year is remarkable. But, hey, we're just glad someone is paying attention.

I don't know about that...everyone else seems to be talking about it more than over ever heard Cards fans talking about it.

Your tears are delicious, Drew, but I really don't understand why this article wasn't just titled, "Fuck You, Leitch".


To be fair, they moved our actual football team to Arizona in 1984. That's how you have so many Cardinals/Bears fans.

Nice to meet you, too.

That rings a bell. Yeah, Jack Ryan seemed like a real piece of work. Jeri Ryan just wasn't doing it for him...

As I recall, it was super-creepy in that she didn't really want to participate in his public sex clubbing and left him after she gave in one time. I'm fuzzy on the details, but that's what I remember. The Repubs wanted nothing to do with him after that.

I just imagine present-day me telling me-from-10-years-ago, "Yeah, you and the wife have been watching entire seasons of a show about a science teacher turned meth cook that you get streaming via Netflix on your PS3."

It did get dusty in here, didn't it?

Along with the can, one of my favorite aspects...let's not dress up the Bud Light...

I think they have (I have a good friend that's a Pirates fan), but they're just so giddy/nervous about getting back to October that they're not quite sure how to react. I predict full venom if they can knock off the Reds.