You are garbage, like deadspin.
You are garbage, like deadspin.
Won't do any good if the starters continue to pitch like shit. Cubs will continue on their downfall to below average. Where they belong. Hopefully it wiill be another century and another and another.
Are you a complete tool like the average salty Cubs fan? Seems so. Hey here's a idea, like a better team. No one is making you like the shitty Cubs. Lol your ignorance is baffling.
Retire now. While you have some kind of credibility left.
I think you should go ahead and get off. Relieve some stress from your job. It's hard being a what 24-27 year old man living in his moms basement isn't it? I really hope deadspin goes even further into ill relevance soon!
Oreos as your profile? How fat are you?
You make want to fuck them, but make no mistake. They wouldn't touch you
Deadspin’s writers would do this to every Cubs player without a doubt.
Hello I would like to work with a salty sport based company.
Deadspin has to be the most ignorant hateful, spiteful sports based site ever. I understand most writers it’s required to be a cardinal hater to apply and get the job. But can it be hidden a little better? The cardinals are the 2nd best MLB team in history of the MLB. Enjoy the few good years the Cubs will have. It…