
The plastics that they’re made of break down after years of temperature cycles. If you leave the seat in the car, it can get down to sub-zero temps in winter and well over 100 degrees in direct sunlight.

This is actually a pretty good point. If I hear some little girl screaming expletives I’d probably take a look just because it’s interesting. Extra attention is the last thing a potential kidnapper would want.

That’s probably because this case is a fine for criminal copyright infringement (think a mix of actual damages and clawing back ill-gotten gains) but the American case was a civil suit where statutory damages can be up to $150,000 per instance of infringement. Nintendo “only” got $49,000 per ROM uploaded and, as you

References to him have already been removed from the splash screens.  This article even has a link to an article from 2019 describing that action.

I generally agree with you but, in this case, it’s a dog. Even the best healthcare systems around the world won’t treat pets for free.

Kinja seems to do this (sometimes) when you try to post a link. The text you hyperlinked will pop to the beginning of your comment with a gap left where it used to be. It’s really annoying.

Even if Splinter itself is dead, I’m glad to hear that this suit has now been finally won.

Let’s say that there’s a 50% tax on “collectables”. That would only be 50% of the MSRP when people are buying in the store. If someone gets something rare in the box and sells it for at least twice what they bought the box for, they’ve easily surpassed that tax rate. Not to mention, anyone who was buying the cards to

There’s another hidden achievement for doing a knife-only run and yet another one for using four or fewer heals all game. I think the devs are trying to stay a step ahead this time.

You do know that investment income (capital gain) is taxed at a lower rate than employment income (standard income tax) in the United States, right? That’s one of the reasons that Biden’s original plan was to increase the top investment income tax rate to 43.6% since it’s currently at 20% maximum if you hold the asset

Technically, it’s possible to kill all of the enemies in the section you’re talking about (even the huge hammer wielding one). There’s even a (hidden) achievement for it.  Realistically though, unless you’re playing on casual, I don’t think it can be done on your first playthrough.

My mom currently has this issue. Her partner has been raised on the fact that we African-Americans have been treated poorly by the medical profession over the years and he’s even had personal experience with doctors ignoring issues he had until after he paid out-of-pocket for appropriate tests to get them to focus on

Ok then, we apparently disagree but, in regard to your final point, could English not “live and change” the connotation that the word “it” can only apply to non-human objects?  The fact that language lives and evolves works both ways ^_^

You pointed out that the difference between the singular and plural they's should be figured out by context. I responded by providing an example of why the singular they is unnecessary in English since we already have a singular non-gendered pronoun, "it". 

When I don’t know the gender of a baby, I use “it”.  If the parents are annoyed, they tell me the gender.

Could someone remind me again why the IRS isn’t allowed to just send us all an estimate of how much we owe them (or they owe us) and only require filing if we dispute those numbers? Wouldn’t that be cheaper and easier for both the IRS (who already needs to know this information) and many of us?

So, does Michigan get Toledo or is it time to resume the war between Michigan and Ohio?

Last year I had a dental abscess that would only feel better if I hit myself in the side of my jaw.  Fortunately, that tooth has been pulled now but, I can only imagine a child who didn’t know why their body was hurting feeling that amount of pain.

China and the United States are nearly the same size in land area. Depending on whether you include inland waters or not they swap between being the third and fourth largest countries on the planet. 

That all depends on how well you maintain your device. If you’re the type of person who can’t keep themselves from clicking random links, you may want to perform occasional deep cleans. For example, my mother has a bunch of questionable apps on her phone and has recently been complaining about it running slowly. My