I know that inflation is a thing but, $100/week for a 12-year-old? That feels a bit steep.
I know that inflation is a thing but, $100/week for a 12-year-old? That feels a bit steep.
I’m just going to mention one thing in response to your post. The reason that your grandfathered plan went away was probably because Google charges $19.99/year for 100GB now. Your plan was the same price for less storage.
Have we all forgotten the remaining pronoun, it? When a person I know has a kid and I don’t know the gender, “it” is what I call the child until I get a name or gender for it. It doesn’t hurt that, since most people (for some reason) tend to dislike their children being referred to as “it,” I learn the correct…
Post Offices will take credit or debit cards. (I’m in the process of getting a new passport since I let my old one expire way back in 2012.) There may be other places that don’t but, I’m probably going to take my checkbook anyway just in case.
I remember back when I was in middle school and got hit with “go to therapy or be suspended for a year.” I didn’t think much about it then (what 13-year-old would) but my parents were paying somewhere around $100 per bi-weekly visit and that was in the late 90's. Thinking about 20 years of inflation, that was probably…
Kinja is being kinja and has mangled the first line of my post. It should read:
After nearly twenty years? Maybe.
Are these games available for Linux? I ask since I just found a link to a place where the source still exists on the r/LinuxGaming subreddit.
While I’ve lived here for most of my life (Ii went to university in Florida) I didn’t realize how different Michigan climates could be until I took a trip to Sault Ste Marie during the first week of April 2018. In the Flint area it was 60° F and by the time we reached Sault Ste Marie, we’d been driving through snow…
They just started vaccinating at the pharmacy where I pick up my medications and, due to a new prescription, I couldn’t use the drive through. I was waiting in line with a bunch of elderly people and health workers for about half-an-hour last week. I must agree with you completely. The pharmacy didn’t have enough…
Given how prices have increased, I don’t even know if you’re joking. I remember back in 2003 I had to choose between buying books and buying a PS2 (I, being a good student, chose books) but, a 6x increase in single semester book prices in just under 20 years wouldn’t surprise me.
Yeah, I did the same thing on my first playthrough. Excellent luck.
In that case you should try playing on the lowest difficulty setting. The game even says that you should use that setting if you’re there just for the story. I used it for my first playthrough because my computer at the time was crap and I wasn’t getting enough FPS to play a shooter effectively.
Yeah, everybody survived in my first playthrough too.
To be fair, until 9/11 most people wouldn’t give a kid trouble over the name Osama. Before that, only people who remembered the first Al-Qadea attack on the World Trade Center would think poorly of that name choice.
I had a teacher in high school with the last name Wojtowicz. Given my own name pronunciation issues I made sure to get it right even though he didn’t seem bothered when people got it wrong.
My first name is Raa’Shaun. (I’ve used it online in relation to this username or variations of it often enough to not feel the need to hide it.) It’s been misspelled or mispronounced ever since before I even knew how to spell it. The hospital ignored the apostrophe (‘) and the capitalization so all of my legal…
The direction you should turn your wheels is in the manual, the fact that the steering locks in place is not. I live in Michigan and “Parking on a Hill” is on page 37 of the current manual.
No, this wasn’t taught in drivers ed where I live. Also, for anyone in my state who gets their license as an adult and therefore gets to skip drivers ed, it’s not part of the written, skills, or road tests.
One example where an unclear meaning has become standard is the word “literally”. Dictionaries have literally accepted that figuratively is a synonym of literally.