If you make a man a fire, he’ll stay warm for one night. If you set that man on fire he may stay warm for the rest of his life ^_^
If you make a man a fire, he’ll stay warm for one night. If you set that man on fire he may stay warm for the rest of his life ^_^
My mothers’ service line was replaced less than two weeks ago so I have to wonder, how many homes still don’t have access to clean water?
Without losing accuracy, (saying you’re buying “part of the company”) it’s hard to simplify it more than that.
Yup, that’s the canon and when she spoke about her true age and the fact that she’s the oldest being in the room in front of the Japanese Diet the look of shock on those politicians faces in both the manga and animé were priceless ^_^ It’s still one of my favorite public reveal scenes in a series the 961-year-old…
Hey...he’s not a Senator yet. The election is next week. We’ll see if the people of Alabama decide to make your statement true.
Is this feature still being rolled out? I have a Google Home Mini and the Calendars function shows up on my brother’s phone but not my tablet.
One of the little kids at the Thanksgiving dinner I attended this year asked an adult cousin of his if he knew what they were celebrating. The cousin, playing along, said, “What?” The kid replied, “The day the white men killed the Indians.”
How so? As minimum wage (and the price of gas) rises, the cost of both newspaper delivery and lawn service will increase and the fast food employment seems to be pretty well stuck to minimum wage outside of large cities. Are we really blaming employees for inflation and rising wages here?
When did you pay those rates? In my state minimum wage is currently $8.90/hour and while state law allows an employer to pay 85% of the minimum wage to 16 and 17-year-old workers, that still leaves them at the $7.25/hour federal minimum wage. Paying less than $9/hour seems impossible in my area unless someone is doing…
Was it the US or Canada? In Canada, drawn representations of child pornography are illegal.
Jump is the only manga magazine I ever subscribed to. I don’t know if the English version is still available for subscription here in the US (I let my subscription lapse back in 2005 or so) but, I wouldn’t bet on a general lack of knowledge about it.
I grew up in a city and once, in my twenties, I heard some of the local kids (all under 13 at the time) making a lot of noise outside. When I looked outside, a bunch of them were chasing down a wild turkey with pointy sticks while some of the other adults on the street were laughing and saying that if they caught it…
I apologize, I didn’t notice your comment when you made it (I was alerted to another reply today that brought me back). My comment was about the possibility of the actors and actresses not having consented to what happens in the scene. Hence my mention of the rape scene in Last Tango in Paris where the actress didn’t…
There’s a picture on Reddit (it reached the front page of r/gaming Sunday) of a guy on the toilet playing Skyrim on his Vita using Remote Play so yeah, you’re right.
English has hundreds of thousands of words (at least). Most people, even the most articulate of individuals among us, will have 50-100 thousand in their everyday use vocabulary. Of course, you’re going to run into non-standard words (or spellings thereof) in a word game.
Isn’t Rocky supposed to be of Irish descent?
I’ve been in that situation as an adult. While not fun (and easier but even less fun while sober), it’s doable.
I think I see where Ms. Schafler is coming from with those four questions but, the way I handle those while dealing with random everyday encounters is quite different.
I don’t know what you mean but, on my screen das oratel’s comment was posted at 9:23 AM. Maybe you’re in a different timezone?
Trigun clearly wasn’t the series that impacted me most but, I did enjoy it quite a bit more than DBZ.