
Is the Empire America!?

Maybe she’s a Goddess and the entire rigamarole about “saving” her is the people’s way of appeasing her and avoiding her wrath.

It wasn’t when I made the original comment (over a month ago) though a port was announced as forthcoming shortly afterward. I guess it’s out now.

It’s based on a Japanese novel (not light novel, novel) that may explain some of the pacing issues.

I did watch the game and even the commentators were astounded at this call. Apparently, no one but this ref thought it was taunting.

As a Lions fan, I was hoping that the Chargers would get the tying field goal and then both teams would fail to score in overtime leading to a tie. An 0-15-1 season would have been the most Browns way to end the season.

So, what you’re telling me is that the Cowboys have every reason to just coast these last two weeks since they’ve clinched the number 1 seed in the NFC right? The Lions still need another win to stay on top of the NFC North and they play the Cowboys on Monday.

Someone else has probably said this but, all a person would have to do is turn over their personal wealth to someone else for the interim while they were in office and have that property signed back over to them after the exclusionary period is done. That’s not hard, it’s dirty, but it’s not hard.

I noticed that on some suit jackets and pants I’ve owned. The pockets come sewed shut and you’re just supposed to cut them open before wearing the clothing but, it’s probably best to check and make sure there’s a pocket inside before doing so just in case.

Right now it’s $30 on Origin. I saw the price when I picked up a copy of this one over there.

I see, I think this list only shows states that allow Amendments to be initiated with the public.

I’m constantly reminding my mother that burning it all down is the opposite of a helpful reaction. It’s kept her calm so far but, I don’t know how much longer it’ll work. If my brother and I had still lived in Flint when this mess started I probably wouldn’t have been able to keep her calm at all. She’s quite

North Carolina doesn’t do ballot referendums for Constitutional Amendments (or statutes). It turns out that only 26 states (plus DC) do. So, this same body would be altering the state Constitution if that were the case. Since they didn’t I’m guessing that they didn’t have to.

The email I got said that they didn’t find out about this breach until this year after they announced the first one. Most people tend to be more worried about financial data than email account data so breaches of that nature tend to be noticed much more quickly regardless of scale.

The email I got specifically said that users with the key should be safe but, to change your password on Yahoo and any other site that may use the same information anyway.

Technically speaking, aren’t the Ravens the expansion franchise in this case? Well, as a Lions fan, maybe we won’t be alone as a team that went 0-16 and, looking at our season so far, maybe it takes hitting rock bottom (and the rest of the division really sucking) to finally improve a bit.

I think you may have overlooked a few important words here namely, “under a public stadium authority.” Could this be a push to force organizations to completely finance their own stadiums if they want to stay gun free?

Kinja doesn’t allow multiple empty lines. you have to do it like this:

I know, I started working with computers in the late 90's when the prices were just starting to come down and some of the people I learned from did sometimes solder to save money on parts. It’s just impostor syndrome, I guess.

I always considered myself an ‘intermideate’ or ‘advanced’ (depending on the survey) computer user rather than ‘expert’ since I would never consider trying to repair a damaged motherboard or power supply by soldering on new capacitors or other similar components but, after seeing the definitions of the levels in this