
You can have a sibling who looks nearly identical to you, as spoonfedkit noted in reply to you, the Olsen twins claim to be fraternal twins and they played a single person on television for a few years. Given the fact that a set of fraternal twins of the same gender are likely to be exposed to the same environmental

Yes, if two eggs are fertilized at the same time (this is how you end up with fraternal twins) and one splits into two embryos (the way you end up with an identical twin) you will have a set of identical twins and a sibling who just happens to have been born at the same time.

You can use the keyboard built into their mobile app to auto fill passwords too. Although, I don't know why Chrome for Android still doesn't support extensions.

Well, what can we do about it? There is currently no way to preemptively prevent a nuclear first strike from an enemy capable of launching one so, why bother thinking about it at all? There are other, more immediate issues that we can fix to worry about so, let's deal with those rather than the unlikely possibility

I remember that my local Fox affiliate had dead air between 3 and 5 or 6 AM on Saturday mornings until about 10-15 years ago. So that's not too far back. Still the 21st century actually.

Wow, I didn't even catch that at first. Why do they have the NFL logo at midfield instead of their team logo?

I think the tides are a good enough reason to keep the Moon around but that's just me ^_^

I've been doing this for years but...whenever I consciously alter the way I communicate with others to purposely alter the impact on them I feel quite manipulative. Of course that attack of conscience doesn't happen until later when I'm thinking about the conversation but, I always feel a touch psychopathic when

I think he was referring to the commentators being from the East Coast and the schools not being from the South. It could have been written better but, it wasn't that confusing for a Deadspin comment.

Have you tried using the Plex app on your phone and casting that the the TV? IIRC if the Plex server, phone, and Chromecast are all on the same local network the Plex server shouldn't send your video over the Internet just to get it to the Chromecast. I was doing that a couple days ago and I'm almost certain that I

1) The series must have finished its run in 2014. This means that still airing shows like Parasyte are not eligible, but 26-episode anime that started in fall 2013 are. Moreover, anime with split seasons where the second half has not yet aired—e.g., Aldnoah.Zero—must also wait till next year for consideration.

I almost did that myself. I didn't watch it until I saw the post about the most underrated series this year.

I watched both seasons between the 26th and about an hour ago (along with a couple other series since I have nothing better to do) and it's been quite a ride. You shouldn't be disappointed if you liked the first season.

Selector Infected WIXOSS: One day, a friendless young girl finds that she is a “selector,” a girl entered into a card game tournament where, if she wins enough, her greatest wish will be granted. Of course, things are far from what they seem on the surface as both winning and losing carry dark consequences all their

Hmm...maybe I should go see a doctor. My right knee collapsed underneath me back in January 2009 (I think I was watching the AFC championship game at a friends house) when standing up from the floor and will occasionally, when bent just the right (wrong) way, do the same thing and refuse to straighten out until I

I've seen that 'ignore the tantrum' thing get people blindsided by a fist in the club before. It's dangerous to take your eyes off of a person angry at you if they're large enough to harm you.

Wow, that's an old comment of mine ^_^ Long story short, I've been using ComicRack for three years now and It's excellent!

The guy who died was a major PvP'er, the IRL friend of his who posted the thing on Reddit and helped his family watch it from his hospital room said that ending it with PvP was somewhat planned.

In fact, a man in Japan contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion in 2013. The donor contracted the virus a short time before donating and therefore his viral load was too small to be detected. The virus was discovered when the donor came back to donate again a couple months later and then they looked into recipients

I'm just embarrassed that it looks like Malone lost his job because he lost to my home team, the Pistons. I know they suck this year, and have for the last few years, but, they aren't the 76ers (who also beat us this season >_<).