
I loved Analogue and Digital before it. In fact I didn't even know they were related until I started playing Analogue and noticed the AI naming scheme. I'm really looking forward to this one ^_^

No. The name Analogue: A Hate Story is a play on an earlier VN by Ms. Love, a free visual novel set hundreds of years prior but in the same universe, called Digital: A Love Story. Hate Plus, being a direct sequel to Analogue, is a case of sequel titling.

The problem with that kind of system is the entire discrimination angle in most countries. "Being a dick" isn't illegal and I can't think of an ISP that will turn down payment for an internet connection unless there is a law saying that they have to. As much as I may personally dislike some of the less-intelligent

Thirty years later: The first person born with violent tendencies post genocide now rules the world with an iron fist, the end.

While hilarious, I think that we want to be allowed to visit him at some point in the next decade without his wife killing us ^_^

I wish I had this issue. I have a friend who gets married next month. Due to certain...issues, his reception is going to be DRY. No open bar, no cash bar, no alcohol at all. He's not terribly happy about it but he's willing to let it go. We groomsmen, with a bit of help for some others, are making sure that one

I have a question about this one. Does a vacated win for one team count as a win for the other? In this example, does this mean that Arkansas gets to claim a win in the Sugar Bowl or does it mean that no one officially won that Bowl game?

I don't know if you watched the entire video but, near the end there are a couple more explosions. There was less than 2 minutes for a person to get out of their car and assist before you would have simply had more injured people. In that situation, I probably would have called emergency services and stayed far back

True, if you're having your house key sent to your home address. If it's a business key or a bike lock key being sent to your home address that problem goes away. If it's any key of yours sent to a PO Box or to your place of employment, that problem doesn't exist at all. So, yes it could be an issue but it also has

So, was I the only one confused when the player didn't unleash that giant ball of energy when fighting the Titan Miku but, was willing to go nuclear on a bunch of white cubes?

He was investigated. They didn't find any weapons, plans, or evidence that he was planning on actually doing anything or that this his speech was meant as anything other than a joke (a crude and tasteless joke but a joke nonetheless). That level of investigation generally means that you get picked up by the police,

Actually, if you have a Google Voice number, incoming calls will ring in Hangouts. Outgoing calls won't show your GV number (yet) but, you can still make and receive calls. That came in quite handy when my cell phone service died during a storm but I still had power and internet connectivity (oddly enough). I could

This is actually to mdegat01 as well: you can already receive Google Voice calls in Hangouts in Gmail and Chrome but the sending part is what was just added to the Chrome/Gmail versions.

Do you remember the incidents between Crocs and escalators? Those were horrible >_<

Hmm...I've had the same issue as Michael so, I guess I'm going to have to try Red Stripe again. You see, I only have a bitterness issue before my fourth or fifth beer and the last time I tried Red Stripe it was my seventh of the night so I don't remember much about the taste.

I, and probably TheGameNinja as well, was thinking that this particular DLC would be a free one. It could even be offered with some other patched components, since we all know there will be something that needs patching, as a title update at no cost to the consumer.

Wow, the funny thing is that the first comment I read concerning the "Ice-cream Pokémon" is right next to yours on the screen right now ^_^

Each worth about 12.3 US cents. Is the the Ukrainian unit of currency? If so it must take quite a few of them to actually buy things. (Though it may be similar to the Japanese Yen as almost no one actually uses individual Yen [approximately one US cent] for anything.)