
The age of consent is 16 in Belize.

I live in Michigan and the age of consent is 16 here. In fact the average age of consent is 17 in the US.

Maybe the DLC will be out before you two get to the end then ^_^

If it wasn't for the ending debacle, this would be the big issue that the fans have. I wish that were the case.

I hope that's sarcasm. I'm American and I still know that Canada is the second largest country in the world if you count both land and water area. Even if you don't count water, its land area is barely less than that of the United States.

I'm only 27 and I STILL say no to this trend. For casual wear, my roomy cargo pants work just fine ^_^

It's just too bad that I'm a bit too young to have seen this show in its original run.

It's actually stated in the video but I don't remember what it is....

Do you carry an internet connected device? Are you well versed in web searches? When there's a gap in your knowledge, just look it up. Since most people tend to be...not good at finding information that's what I do when I don't already know something.

When someone asks me if I know everything I note that I don't know a theory that would connect General Relativity with Quantum Mechanics. Since no one has a definitive theory that connects those together yet I can even be correct about what I know that I don't know ^_^

I land in this bit of hot water quite often. I often DO know and even when I don't I just break out the good ol' smart phone and look it up. When I can't find an answer THEN I say that I don't know.

Did you read the entire article? The added quality adds approximately one US Dollar to the component cost. I'm not an expert on the price of Apple iPhone chargers but I don't think that people would be complaining if they only cost $1 more than competing chargers.

When I was younger sometimes I'd (stupidly I know) just lie in the grass staring at the rather bright sun on a warm day. My vision hasn't gotten any worse since then and my optometrist hasn't noticed anything wrong with my eyes beyond the farsightedness and astigmatism that I already had when I did my staring. Could

Damnit, my teachers wouldn't let me see the eclipse that happened back when I was in 3rd grade (May 10, 1994) and that was a true ring-of-fire annual eclipse. I live in Michigan so I can't possibly see that full one but I'll be damned if I'm not staring at the Sun around sunset Sunday. My apartment windows face west

I was talking about smartphones in general not just iPhones but yeah, I know that those things tend to keep closer to retail and I don't exactly know why. Given the fact that there is a huge supply of new ones being sold at a discounted rate, I don't see how they manage to sell used for so close to the un-subsidized

As long as you don't want to buy phones right when they come out, you can normally get them used for about the same as the discounted price within a couple months on e-bay. I recommend e-bay since if they have a bad ESN e-bay will refund your money and possibly let you keep the device depending on how bad the sellers

Honestly, I'm still waiting for an affordable 4K TV/Monitor to be released. I may be able to hold of on replacing this 9 year old monitor on my desk for another year or two ^_^

I've hit 300 GB for both of the last two months on a 18Mbps/3Mbps line from Charter. 250 really isn't much.

Charter hasn't been on me about my limit but I'm pretty sure that I blew through it on 2 of the last three months. I wonder if they'll actually inform me of the issue....

Even the FDA only requires steak to be medium-well to be considered 'completely cooked'. I personally love the taste of rare steak but my body doesn't like it so much. Therefore, I go for medium-rare red meat myself.