Awaiting? Have a look around, they're already here ^_^
Awaiting? Have a look around, they're already here ^_^
Just don't use Chrome for anything that you want to keep private. Or use a different Chrome profile. This has so much potential for abuse by people trying to get free gift cards....
I guess that as a Black Mesa employee you would need as many extra lives as you could get ^_^
Star Wars canon is actually quite tightly controlled and has been for years so the novels written in the period immediately after the end of Episode 6 are canon.
I saw a house on February 1st that still had full Christmas lights up AND on. I have no idea what they are thinking.
Anything that massive wouldn't be stopping that deep into Earths gravity well. Even if it did, it wouldn't be able to leave without dragging Earth along for the ride causing horrible tides and general destruction all the while.
Well, there is the fact that this isn't exactly a military force. It's a mercenary force being paid for by a corporation. The corporation decides what level of force to use based on a cost-benefit analysis. I'm guessing that they didn't bring any nuclear weapons with them because of the associated costs. However,…
I'd imagine that there'd be just a bit of upheaval given the fact that the number 1 and 2 in the Imperial government are both dead there.
I wonder if the US release will be M only or if I'll have to buy a different version to get an M rated version instead of T rated.
Exactly! Even at 27 I wouldn't stare at the girls. I may take a surreptitious picture (or not it depends on the situation) but you can't look like you're staring because that's inappropriate.
Well at 0:55 he says, "Ladies and Gentlemen this is not part of the performance". Also, I live in the Flint, MI area less than an hour from where this happened and the local news, for reasons that I do not understand, used a MUCH worse bit of cell phone footage.
Same with Clinton even though that one was much less important than the Regan issue.
I was walking near a large metal fountain during a thunderstorm, and lightning struck it when I was only about 10 feet away from it. That was my most insane experience with electricity and I've accidentally worked on live AC circuits before.
A few seconds? You have quite powerful mental math skills there ^_^
Sometimes I wonder about how a metric (decimal) time system would work. After all our current system was actually built for 10 hours in a day, 10 hours in a night, and 2 hours each for dawn and dusk. Maybe we could just use decimal fractions of a day for the long sections and seconds for short periods of time. We…
I don't know...that seems kinda backward. I think that since we in the US are the only major country that still uses the full Imperial system that if more things online were listed in SI units units only it would force us to learn SI. I generally know most of the SI units and I've tried to become more natural in…
Probably because in a vertical context 'coast' means the same thing as 'fall'.
"...since the odds of getting trapped in an elevator three times in your life are probably pretty minuscule." I got stuck in the SAME elevator in my dorm building my Freshman year of college three times in one semester. One of my roommates was with me two of those times. I know of at least three other times that it…
Hmm...I've never thought about it that way but it's true. Who exactly thought that trying to build capitalist business system under a communist totalitarian government was a good idea?
Sure! If I get injured as a result of some idiot who announces an emergency in a crowd when there is no emergency then I, or if I die my family, will sue the SHIT out of that guy for my injury or death but that's between me (or my family) and the aforementioned idiot. The government need not be involved except to…