
This here is why the fill tool in simple programs like MSPaint sometimes accidentally fill the entire image.

IMO changing it to 'Iraqi Freedom' wasn't much of an improvement.

Don't forget that it used to be some complex acronym that spelled out E-PARASITE. That was changed quite quickly ^_^

It must be AdBlock since I'm using AdBlockPlus on Chrome and I didn't have any problems.

That's easy! Everyone knows that on the internet: The men are men, the women are men, and the children are FBI agents ^_^

Polyamory for the win ^_^

What if the number of people on Earth is odd?

I don't know if this update supports ICS yet but Google changed the way that screen density is reported to apps so all of the third party keyboards need to update their code before they'll work properly on Android v4.

You've missed out then. About 2 updates ago they made the update process completely OTA. You get a notification when there's an update available and you click the button. Easy ^_^

In Michigan it's an 8-digit DOB, followed by the initial letter of your last name, your 12-digit ID number, and the 8-digit expiration date. That last initial & 12-digit ID number are your Drivers License Number. Also, the first three digits of the number seem to correspond to your last name. Me, my mother, father,

Here in MI, where this story is based, a LOT of stations charge about 5-10 cents/gallon more to pay with plastic. I'm not sure about the legality of this but that's the way it is. Plastic for gas will cost you quite a bit around here in a rather short time.

When we saw this on TV, my brother and I thought the same thing. The information on Michigan licenses is just an 8-digit DOB, followed by the initial letter of your last name, your 12-digit ID number, and the 8-digit expiration date. I've read mine with a card reader before. The Bar Code is the same. I'm pretty

A regional retail chain around here upgraded their pumps and the software mistakenly accepted ANY mag-stripe as a valid credit card. People were swiping their ID's to get free gas...until the police tracked them down by using their ID numbers. I don't know how a person can be quite that dumb. It's like wearing a

Here in Michigan, your Drivers License/State ID magnetic strip & bar code only includes your date of birth, license number, and expiration date. That's not quite enough information for a stolen identity unless they get a hold of the State ID database and if that's the case there are much larger issues to worry about.

I'm only 26 and even I (this is my home town ABC station by the way) remember when the pumps were pre-activated and you just filled up and paid your tab afterwards. My dad used to do it all the time before they made it pre-pay or card-at-the-pump only. That was about the same point at which he started using credit

This is quite true. In fact on a particular semi-private tracker where I have an account, various peers actually make sure to comment when they receive letters from their ISP's warning people away from particular torrents due to tracking.

He requires a waiver terminating his parental rights before providing the 'product'.

He is giving it away for free. I really don't see the difference between this and random unprotected sex.

IIRC Fidel Castro tried out for a Major League Baseball team before becoming a revolutionary but didn't make the cut. Is this a trend?

If they're outside we're good, if I idiotically left a window/door open and they get in then I send them back out still good, if I just randomly find them inside during winter...they die.