
To tell the truth I don't have a problem with overdraft fees in general. You go over the limit you pay a fee. My problem is that banks generally push through debits in order of largest to smallest first before any deposits. I actually made a deposit to cover an online purchase then walked next door to the coffee shop

@fireb0x: Well, they have about 5 months to fix this problem before their November release date. Maybe it'll be good by then. We can only hope....

Dance Masters needs to come to the arcade like DDR so I can make a fool of myself in public too ^_^

@FutileEmotion: Right now 50 US dollars = 40.3942 euros according to Google Finance. USD and EUR haven't been 1-to-1 in a few years now.

@3in1Doctor: You mean the one talking about the hundreds of miles of beach that aren't covered in oil yet? Personally, I consider those to be a bit of a low blow to the ones that are oil damaged right now.

@GirlLibrarian: Be careful with those dishes. If they're reflective you may burn a tree or something.

@legivalcitig: I actually WANT to serve on a jury but, I'm worried that a lawyer will ask about Jury Nullification and well, in the case of an unjust law I believe it is appropriate. That would get me kicked quite fast.

@evilsushi: Thing is in most countries (with most if not all carriers) you actually DO pay a lower monthly fee if you bring your own phone than if you buy a subsidized phone. But here in the United States, you are charged the same monthly fee for service whether you bring your own phone, buy the cheapest little bar

@Stevenson: Three? I thought the US had Verizon, AT&T, Sprint-Nextel, and T-mobile. Even if a couple of those have bad networks in places they still exist nationally and at least TRY to compete with each other.

@Lord_Data: That's me right there. Sounds like a blast. Good thing I won't be around for the clean up ^_^

@Mickets: Excellent point. I was taught the metric system in school. but we never actually USED it for anything so I still have problems visualizing distances in centimeters/kilometers or weights/masses in kilograms.

@stephen.morrish: Potatoes by volume? That sounds like a good way to pay for air. Here in the US we buy those by weight (pounds).

@Bob Lu: That damned time dilation will get you every time.

@kapanak: Any landing you can walk away from and all that but, let me see you land a plane with a broken elevator. Bad times.

@Br3akw3y: Now that is poetry ^_^

Check out this guy's YouTube page. He even built a rubber-band shooting mini-gun out of Legos. Epic!

@phlavor: Truly hilarious. I wasn't like that as a teenager but many of my friends were. I'm just making sure that I'm around when their kids get to that age.

@balloondoggle: Since when do the Chinese care about infringement?

@genterara & @31337h1ck3r: Really? .uif and .daa are the ONLY reason I was going to download this program _<

@_Ko0LaiD_: Well, .dmg is Mac specific. It WOULD be hard to find Windows programs to burn that format ^_^