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    I’m UK based; was always a car nerd, so started lessons as quickly as I could (just after my 17th birthday, in 2013) with a local instructor in a manual dual-control Citroen DS3. Did ~1 lesson a week until Christmas, when I passed the test first time (I think I got it a bit easy, as it was the last test they did

    GAZ and ZiL both have had a decently varied range, at least by way of land vehicles.

    Alternate, actually practical option; gold (coloured) roof rails. Would still be better with the right paint job, but would give the effect. or maybe do a two-tone, with gold on the roof/A-pillars

    I got really confused here; Darned American English. Vise looks totally wrong to my British eyes. That said, I’d always known vise grips as mole wrenches anyway

    Nope; we got stuck with those too.

    You spin something quick, you get a lot of centrifugal force trying to pull it apart. rare-earth magnets tend to be not great structurally, so you need something to hold it all together; if you look at the flywheels used for KERS systems, stuff like that, they tend to be the same setup, albeit at ~5x the rpm. 

    I haven’t watched it, but I think that’s about the premise of E4's Carjackers: https://www.channel4.com/programmes/carjackers

    They’re pretty common on vans in the UK, too:

    it’s possible the car won’t even have modern amenities like regenerative braking”

    I’m a bit of a sucker for a black bonnet (/hood), whether on an older car for the vintage rally look, or a slightly newer one for the carbon fibre look. That, and extra fog lights.

    Why do they not use dye packs or something similar to combat stuff like this?

    Hmm; I had it down as a Ford LTD wagon;

    This was 376,2039;

    Just to let you know, the link to the “prius rally car” is a broken link, with an address that looks to be an internal memo?

    specifically this lambo:

    Tail-lights on fins are the  best tail lights

    Are we talking released in our birth year, or in production in our birth year? Also, are we limited to things we could actually afford/find, or are we living in a hypothetical money-no-object world? I’m a fellow child of ‘96, but I feel there’s some decent options:

    Honestly, I probably shouldn’t have a licence; I got my licence pretty much as soon as I could (I’m in the UK, so that was 17), but I’ve hardly driven since I passed, and haven’t driven in the last 6-7 years; insurance is expensive, and public transport’s good enough for most of what I need. I would not be comfortable

    There’s the new Fiat 500 EV; not sure if the old fiat 500e had a cabrio option, but the new one definitely does: