
"Remember the Alamo", indeed.

Not bad. They had a construction crew regulating traffic over the bridge and the weather was okay. It was narrow, but not particularly harrowing.

Woo! 40% completion rate on this list! Bridges 2, 5, 7, and 8 crossed. Need to find time to cross the others.

Remember, the trike is heavy.

So much for running out the guns and giving people a broadside. :(

These pointers will serve me well later today.

In regards to Harvard people being insufferable, I just want to point out that a Harvard trained professor and neuroscientist shot up my university and her department peers when they didn't give her tenure because of a notable decline in her teaching and publishing/research performance.

Thanks for the summary, Tad, and my condolences to UAB for the loss of their football program to the bullshit that streams out of Tuscaloosa.

Realizing this truth made me hate Bernie Ecclestone more not because of what he did but because of the crushing realization that I couldn't manage to do the same thing.

Act of Failure

*clutches at pearls*

I'm disappointed that a Trojan would advocate one country accepting cooperation and, perhaps, even gifts from another for the sake of "peace".


Captured? I think not. They're No Surrender!

It isn't a Tyler Rogoway article unless it has glaring errors like that.

Current DoD travel regs from how I understand them is to travel in civilian clothing whenever possible to minimize exposure to danger as part of a general guidance to downplay association with the armed forces.

Of course not.

I contend it's more than a "piece of cloth". The uniform has history and symbolism baked into it, much like a flag or other easily recognizable symbol.

You only lose your weapons if the cops bust you. For whatever reason you get to keep them if you're wasted.

For fucks sake, you call that a line of advance? Where's the drummer? Where are the school colors?!