Miami Gardens is a total shit hole. If anything, the noise from the race might cover the sounds of the almost daily murders that occur in this place.
Miami Gardens is a total shit hole. If anything, the noise from the race might cover the sounds of the almost daily murders that occur in this place.
I’m from South Florida, and for the longest time though we had the wort drivers. That is, until I drove through Maryland. Based on what I saw, I am guessing that the driving test must consist of doing a line of coke and not much else.
Sure is a lot of Peugeos in Florida. Also, who the hell is going to walk across that gigantic expanse of concrete/asphalt. This is Florida, where you need a new shirt if you spend more than five minutes outside.
Good lord! It’s as if every time this vehicle is presented to whomever makes decisions, the “designers” are told that the truck needs to be uglier. “Remember what shit looked like in the late 70's? Good, just make it uglier. I said uglier! It’s not a good design until I feel vomit in the back of my throat”
That’s the v12 model, SL65 I think. You can tell by the air duct in front of the front wheels.
Well, the article actually states that he was dead before rescue got there and that the WRC has yet to acknowledge it.
The style is similar though. Oscar Niemeyer, who designed Brasilia, was heavily influenced by LeCorbusier.