Carbon Monoxide Hazard

Got to start them young! These prison’s aren’t going to fill themselves.

So everyone got punished, including the snitches? Never snitch, kids.

Well, at least those players had an excuse for not standing during the national anthem.

The problem here seems to be that the kids stole the pills instead of receiving them from a sketchy team doctor?

This is exactly how the nonprofit world was for me. Execs were paid through the roof, regardless of performance, while admin staff qualified for food stamps.

Damn that sucks man.

Yeah, no. Prices have gone up and there are lines everywhere for gas. You can stop with your whole “free market, let people be gouged” argument. People are buying gas regardless of price and gas stations are frequently out.

Texas resident here. Nobody is filling up their cars in fear of paying an extra $5 per fill up. People are filling up because gas is getting impossible to find. I would gladly pay 2008 prices for gas right now.

Literally just looking for a printer today for law school. Thanks bunches!

Literally just looking for a printer today for law school. Thanks bunches!

Being able to print via wireless from your desktop and phone is the greatest thing ever. You can hide your printer in the closet!

Being able to print via wireless from your desktop and phone is the greatest thing ever. You can hide your printer

It’s true! Before the surgery his Kinja name was just “Seth”!

wow, the first good opinion on this website

I think I saw this guy on a 60 Minutes segment back in the fall (it comes on after football, man, get off my nuts!). They were doing a deep dig on social media influencers and how people like this guy rake in money by being popular on Vine and Instagram. He’s basically a slightly less obnoxious Kardashian with an

“Honestly, yeah it’s terrible,” Paul said about his neighbors’ complaints. “It’s a bad situation. No, I feel bad for them, for sure. There’s nothing we can do, though. The Jake Paulers [Paul’s fans] are the strongest army out there. Dab.” And then he dabbed.

“former Vine star” explains so, so much about this.

And then he dabbed.

Hello, Omnigamer here. I did the analysis of Dragster. Just wanted to provide a few clarifications.

Am I crazy or is this not just the leading edge of the preferred business/consumer relationship as seen by our corporate overlords?

Anyone else remember how deregulating the airline industry was going to increase competition, end effective monopoly routes and lower prices?

don’t you think that Japan would have told us this by now, if it were true?