


Drive behind them, unless otherwise directed to go ahead of them to set up a nutrition stop, etc. As previously noted, you drive the vehicle with their tools and equipment. Drop back on significant inclines/declines or sharp turns with your flashers going to notifying motorists that there is a group ahead of you. Stay


The Crowne Plaza in Indy is a shithole in itself. How they would notice 'new' shit on the floor baffles me.

Well said.

'Murica! (This is not a show of support for you, by the way. I am working under the assumption that sarcasm is beyond you.)


Yes, because the only thing more annoying that bringing children to the beach is bringing a 2,000 watt sound system.

Most of the abhorred behavior I have been party to on a commercial airliner is usually perpetrated by the paid staff.

You're the leader of one of the world's preeminent terrorist organizations... iron your fucking uniform.

Bat country!


A Mazda Miata is a riding lawnmower with a vinyl top.