
Ok then, but apparently those weak partisans were turining out for Bernie in the open primaries where independents could vote in democratic primaries and it looks like they may not have turned out in the general election. Trump took states (PA, OH, WI, MI)that have gone democrat since Reagan. Your original thesis is

Take solace in the fact the world is changing. It will be a tough and violent (hopefully in rhetoric only) two years until the midterm, but no change has ever come without fits and starts. God Bless

Which election did Obama lose the popular vote? 2012- Obama 66 million votes to Romney’s 61 million. 2008- Obama 69 million votes to McCains 60 millions

First, the article you cite is from July, nearly every mainstream projection had Hillary winning up until yesterday. How many Bernie supporters actually voted for Hillary?

Bernie got 13 million votes in the primary. 10% of that vote total represents 1.3 million votes which could’ve made the difference in the election

Which states that Clinton won would Sanders have lost? Sanders is a “socialist”, so what? Trump won by drawing angry white people to the polls because they feel like they haven’t got a fair shake in the last 8 years or didn’t trust Hillary. Sanders did not have the “trust” issues of Hillary and he attracted the

I voted for Hillary, but I was getting so angry at the news last night any time they brought up how third party voting may have affected the election. The candidates who ran had a right to run, and the people who voted for them had a right to vote for them. I know people who believe all kinds of crazy shit, maybe Gary

That is a map of the 18-25 year old people who voted and yes, Hillary won that vote handily over Trump. The point in my original post, which was admittedly not well stated, was that many young people who voted for Bernie in the primary may have been disaffected and did not turn out for Hillary in the general election.

Important to who? Bernie was winning with all the demographics (non-college educated whites and young people of all races) that led to a Trump victory. I think Hillary lost more of the Bernie vote than Bernie would’ve lost of the Hillary vote. The difference in the election was a couple hundred thousand votes in

A run to the right for a large chuck of yards which upon video review is ruled out of bounds

They are VERY discreet, that Ray Rise case really flew under the radar.

I think McAdoo is being pragmatic, given Josh’s history of violence I wouldn’t turn my back on him either.

The NFL is worried about ratings because of Twitter highlights, they should be concerned about how inconsistent the officiating is. I was watching the Giants game and thought it must’ve been Earl Hebner throwing the flag on DRC, that was some WWE shit!

In my opinion, one reason the quality of play is so bad is that

I think we agree, but would like to offer a rebuttal to some of your points:

I agree that the NYPD is MUCH better than most departments in pay, benefits, and getting a qualified, diverse group of recruits. Training though is certainly a problem. Training consists of 6 months of (watered-down) boot camp type training. The practical training involves use of a firearm, driving a police car, some

Have faith! We’re still going to need natural gas! I work in the energy industry and there are a number of things that this analysis ignores.

First in order to accommodate all of this distributed generation (solar, wind, tidal etc) and batteries we need a SERIOUS upgrade of our electric grid. I find it hard to believe

Because the majority of the public is not republican or democrat but registered independent. The reason we have such polarized politics is because the two parties in power are able to set primary rules which allows them to create ‘closed primaries’ and other rules which stymie the growth of third parties or

According to Snopes thats an urban legend as is the rumor that Fred Rodgers served in the military (he never served in any branch, let alone a decorated marine sniper)


I was so od damn pissed that HAMNO inored the man, the myth, the leend that is Dolph Lundgren that I forgot the g in the man the myth the legend that is Dolph Lundgren!