
NO CONTEST! Lundrens resume is as follows:

Dolph Lundren. End of discussion.

It’s a bunch of staffers who cynically believe that the American Public is a bunch of idiotic drones* incapable of understanding the nuance between “giving stuff away” and providing assistance to people who need it. Because the campaign has such a negative view of the general American public they are hesitant to

+2 Norris Trophies

That second goal wasn’t just against some beer league defenceman, that was two-time Norris trophy winning defenceman Erik Karlsson

A tiny bit of me is going to miss Trump when this is all over. That Billy Bush bus trip video gets funnier and funnier each time I watch. It is like a bizaroo world Saturday Night Live sketch but real! The whole thing is a comedy movie. Everyday is something new, his personal physician being a nut; is Trump on coke

It may not be an unhealthy business, a business may just have a long turn around time on a product. A pharmaceutical company (not the most sympathetic of cases) will have a drug in R&D for years before it is approved to be sold to a patient. Tesla is developing groundbreaking technology for cars and operating at a

Paul Ryan?

I posted this in response to someone else, but to sum up the increased access to entertainment (smart phones/Netflix/PS4 etc.) in every facet of our life has led us to choose to be entertained over all else. Nobody is ever bored anymore, so they never do “boring” activities like reading a newspaper. Below are my

It’s the day of the Vice Presidential debate and over 40% of Americans can’t name the Vice-Presidential candidates:


or Dubinsky, or Parise, or Abdelkader, etc. etc. etc.

Using your scenario as a hypothetical, cause I don’t make nearly that much:

NFL Commissioner

Could this be because the 1% is so heavily weighted towards white people. If the white middle class is lumped in with the white 1%, and the white 1% does comparatively well then it will lead to what appears to be a widening disparity gap between the white and black middle class.

The fact that the gap is largest among

Is ref cam going to be introduced into regular NHL games, because it should. Maybe all players should wear one. Could you imagine watching a fight from that perspective? Or someone coming in all alone on goal? Or the juxtaposition of a breakaway from the perspective of the goalie and the skater?

They should enact a system like in horse racing. In horse racing the qualifications are set so that the fields are relatively equal. To do this they restrict entry of horse based on conditions. For instance an allowance race might be open to ‘non-winners of 2 races in the last year’ or ‘non-winners of $100,000 or less

The Redskins only made the playoffs last year because the rules state the ‘winner’ of the NFC East has to make the playoffs. The Cowboys had a rotating band of misfits at starting QB. Tom Coughlin was teaching the nation a lesson about the evils of gambling and the cruelty of the point spread. And according to LeSean

Right? What was the plan? Have Patrick Kane lying down in front of shots?

Why do people keep hiring John Tortorella? Does he have pictures of Bettman in a compromising position?

I wished they took this tournament a step further and added an old farts team of retired guys. I don’t think they would do much but it would be fun to see Selanne, Lemieux, Gretzky, Messier, and throw Jagr on there. It would be interesting to see what they had left in the tank.