Carbon Based Hooligan

I also love this movie. To fault this movie for being about the ordinary is misguided I think. It's about relationships and family, what could be bigger than that? I think the way Wenders treats these characters is much like one of his influences Ozu. If you think this was about small details, you would hate Ozu's

Thanks for the comment and for clarifying this, Enkidum. I discovered vision therapy through my own research, but it's been a long and strenuous journey!
I've noticed a marked improvement in my vision in my non-dominant eye, but I know it's not for everyone.
I totally agree, the best thing that people can do is contact

Son of Neckbeard, I have almost the same situation as you, except I never had the surgery. You should read my other post below about vision therapy. I think it could help with your depth perception issues.

I don't know if the author will read these comments, but if you do, before you get another surgery, I would implore you to look into a technique called vision therapy. I only discovered it by doing my own internet research, because I also wore the dreaded patches when I was young.