
There’s a Billy Mitchell Kill Screen coming up.

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#TeamKillerMike (not because Nina Turner, but because NOT Oprah)

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Track: Blame Paradise | Artist: The Dear Hunter | Album: All Is As All Should Be

I also thorouly enjoyed CharDee MacDennis 2: Electric Bugaloo

Chardee MacDennis isn’t top 5?!

What do we want?!

Rock ‘em Sock ‘em Robots is a fighting game.

I don’t know if we’ve been watching the same Raw every week but I have to disagree. New Day is one of the most over tag teams in years. They have elevated themselves above the multitude of teams that WWE has seemingly formed because creative can’t figure out what to do with people. The Club was mishandled and no one

Wait, wait, wait. The New Day are now the longest reigning Tag Team in WWE history. For about half of their run, they were heels that worked to get cheap heat from the crowds until they started their babyface run about a year ago. That doesn’t seem like they aren’t taken seriously. A comedy tag-team is something like