
I second this and add to the list the almost unknown Mazda FE3N. 2.0l, DOHC, and an ability to cope with HUGE loads of boost on stock internals. It can rival the likes of the SR20 in terms of internal strengths but it has zero aftermarket support and no JDM-YO! fame, thankfully.

Such a delightful engine...


"The previous generation, the generation that used to be able to carve canyons without crashing or attracting the cops are furious with this new hipster generation"

Well, let me try and answer you why some of us call a mundane car a "Dream Car".

No Fig Newtons sticker on the windshield? I am disappoint.

Don't give me any of your sponsorship or safety bullcrap. I'm ridden by the manliest among men.

Dubai deserves military intervention and a board of gearheads to catalog and appropiately "dispose" of these WMHs (Weapons of Massive Hoonage). Who's up for Operation Supercar Freedom?

Poor man, sounds like he has a hefty amount of unresolved issues...

#COTD Just because of sheer GIF porn.

Well, I have. A big, red Mercedes Benz that people affectionally call "BUS". It takes me from A to B and I don't have to drive it through the hellish city traffic. In addition to not having to drive it, I don't have to pay it's insurance, or take it to the shop, or re-fuel it. It does all of that for me. Sure, it's

Please marry me. Or become my older brother. Or at least become my friend.

Easy then, fuck electronics. Well, the vast majority of them that only hinder the experience. I mean, what was wrong with 80s/90s electronics? If a car as complicated and well built as a Skyline GT-R R34 could come with a manual at a reasonable price I dont't see why it can't be done today. I don't want my gear

Sheesh, I hardly would've been able to say it better myself. Add this post to the list of "Best of: Fast SUV hater camp".

This, plus Spiegel's comment on the kind of people that generally drive super-fast SUVs, sums it up brilliantly. I have a reason to hate them: They're a waste of a perfectly useful power lump that could be used in something lighter, sharper, prettier, cheaper, tastier, tougher, etc.

Bravo, bravo.

Yeah agree. What a BS article...

EA is the reason we can't have nice things. And by we, I mean iRacing fans, SimBin fans, Forza fans, pCARS fans, Gran Turismo fans...and basically everyone who likes a properly done racing game. It's not a matter of realism, it's a matter of quality, of inmersion and, above all, of fun.

Oh, and of reasonable pricing.

They've been listening to Jeremy Clarkson's suggestions. They thought that when he said the F430 CS should be named Speciale Needs, he ment it as a compliment somehow. And there you go, the 458 Speciale Needs with a front end that seriously needs something to make it less hideous...

Stupidest, not awesomest. Try again.

Bet me to it.

He can get all the Dartz he want, he still is a gay fish. And now, he's even gayer because he sits on whale-penis leather seats. That's taking the love for fish sticks to a WHOLE new level!

Beat me to it.

"Well, hellooooo. Yes, I'm a big, white wedge with a monster vaccum cleaner in the back and I'm wearing a plexiglass skirt that hides my big, honking V8. I also like to spit pebbles at my opponents. Don't I look preeeteh to you?"