
Fuck Clooney (he ain't marrying nobody)

This article should be called "How to Talk to Ron Paul Supporters without Committing Murder."

$740 for a table lamp? That better come with a years supply of prescription pills and heroin. if its anything like its namesake, that means it will perform at optimal performance for a year, then disappoint and burn out within five.

"It also didn't get returned with a thank you note."

Almost none of those people were celebrities. They were mostly all reality stars. Please differentiate going forward. We don't care about reality stars.

my boyfriend was equally indifferent.

Every pair of platform strappy sandals I've ever seen have looked just like that.

ughh Lea Michelle is the WORST.

You should write back with a simple "TL;DR".

who were these neighbors that didn't help her?

I don't understand Robyn. I don't get why she is the one popstar that has indie major cred. Hipsters love her.

This episode about the Japanophiles. Holy shit, was that accurate.

More sketches? BUT THEN WHO WOULD PLAY DENZEL AND WILL SMITH?! I mean, those impressions are so timely and relevant!

Is Katy Perry in a movie or something? Why is she hosting and someone else performing?

I few years ago I flipped thru a copy of Maxim or FHM. The article that caught my eye was about "Bagging the Bridesmaid", which was mostly tips on how to get the ladies of the wedding party stupidly drunk or low enough in self esteem to get them to fuck. I made copies of the article and entitled it "The Quick and Easy

I would want to bring my boyfriend. Gotta have someone to dish with.. and show off.

NEWSFLASH: those boys are never gonna call your girls.

EVERYONE IS OPENLY CELEBRATING CHRISTMAS whether they are Christian or not. It is everywhere. There is no war on religion in America, except the GOP's war against Islam and non-believers.

Ladies and Gentleman, the Governor of Texas.