
"New research suggests that black ladies give approximately zero fucks about what you think about their weight." <—- best opening sentence ever.

I for one am trying to lose weight simply because I don't want to have poop troubles.

Luke Perry! So old. So, so old. But handsome.

treating anyone, regardless of gender, like a product for purchase is degrading.

*edit for double posting

here, here!

I just commented with this same idea.

A pretty smart business idea, huh? I wonder how this article would be written if men could put no-strings-friendly women into a little shipping cart.

C-U-Next-Thursday, Michelle!

HOW DO YOU KILL THAT?! you could never kill that. it would be as big as killing a kitten.

I think they mentioned him in a blurb about Piers Morgan 'mourning' Patrice O'Neal on-air, but referring to him as a woman. Maybe that was gawker, tho.

@Sonotoro "People are always shocked when I patiently explain that Michigan is in fact a blue state."

That model is still skinny. Just not emaciated. She'd probably be a plus size model today :(

Trent would be hotter in person.

I've dated a few. My current boyfriend is a grad. The computer science dudes are more pretentious than tightly-wound. Like, P*tchfork ranks only 2nd to their own WNUR indie radio station type of pretentious.

The only thing I think is typical of a football coach is actually weighing a decision between practice and a White House dinner.

Wine professionals understand the science, and all promote swirling wine. If someone is swirling wine, that means that they have a basic understanding on the science and enjoyment of wine.

Stop saying pretentious when talking about swirling wine. Wine professionals are fucking professional, not pretentious.

maybe. I'm using Firefox. Also, the comments won't reset and sometimes I can't even click to view the list of comments. Hmm. Whats the hashtag for #technicalproblems?

does this fuzzy menu bar not happen for anyone else?