Who cares that she wasn't there. I want to know why the car broke down. I kind of wanted to buy a Fiat.
Who cares that she wasn't there. I want to know why the car broke down. I kind of wanted to buy a Fiat.
I fucking LOVE Community. That is brilliant. and chilling. Betelgeuse looked RIGHT INTO THE CAMERA. *shiver*
this is pretty interesting. The key thing is to follow the roads. Each road seems to lead to something else bizarre that you wouldn't expect to find in the middle of a desert.
i feel like i've seen this 'kissing family' sketch 200 times.
omfg kemper pedic
No I couldn't tell the difference between being touched by an angel or visited by an alien because neither of those things exist.
I bet its an oil-company conspiracy.
Kristen Stewart? Shoulda been Mila Kunis
is that photo of Trevor from Whitest Kids U'Know?
That article in the Atlantic was waaaaay more fascinating than whatever else you are rambling about with Drop Dead Diva... The statistics and the implications on the changing world due to women surpassing men in education, managerial positions, etc and what that means for the idea of 'family' is incredible.
This is because the only way the media ever portrays women is as competitors instead of having mentor/protege relationships. even mother-daughter relationships are competitive (look at the most recent episode of Up All Night for example).
well i'm glad Romney has had enough time to get ALL his skeletons tucked away nicely in the closet while America has been spending its investigative 'journalism' talent on Trump, Bachmann, Palin, and Cain. Good work, 'merica.
hmm i think the last bit of your analogy was a bit unnecessary.
i can't look at Taylor Lautner photos without worrying that it might be from before he was 18.
I would understand an assHOLE needing to be censored, but an assCRACK?
i only play first person shooters, including CoD, Halo, and most zombie movies.
I don't think it means he has the palate of a four-year-old, but he is probably a supertaster. Supertasters can't deal with bitter flavors of coffee, broccoli, spinach, or coffee. So.. it could be that.
like, um, its like, um, you know, like!
i don't understand that how in the process of programs promoting rehabilitation, people aren't really being prepared to leave.
ah, heartbreaking. adorable.