Robin G

after pondering and rewatching episode, wiggle of concern with Jughead keeping Cheryl's iconic brooch. Chughead at some point? In the scene last episode where Cheryl called Betty "nightmare smurf", Jug CHECKED out Cheryl. In this multiverse, Jughead and Betty should lose their virginity together, please not with

so Archie will be indoctrinated into the Serpents by Jug, The Crown Prince of Southside to avenge Fred Andrews. Not sure of Archie will look as badass in leather as Jug does

Just need to say, Archie comforting Jug and NOT Veronica in the reveal scene was amazing. Archie's fist on Jug's thigh when Betty was calling Cheryl was poignant, leaning into Jug during the video, in not the best edited scene, in different shot you can see Archie has his hand on Jug's shoulder. The panic in Jug's