I had a neighbor with a red GTR. It was the dullest shade of red. Definitely did not look like a supercar.
I had a neighbor with a red GTR. It was the dullest shade of red. Definitely did not look like a supercar.
zed ought six
He died in a Porsche like James Dean but, he was not exactly the James Dean of acting.
1923 Chevrolet Copper-Cooled (air-cooled) car. Production stopped after 500 cars, and nearly all were recalled.
Nissan Leaf does not have camshafts. Bazinga!
They should put the Fiat 500 motor into the Ferrari. That would make as much sense.
Rubbin' Is Racin' !
It was the 70's. People put horses on cars for fun and they had pet rocks.
Google Self-driving car - Silicon Valley, California
My pit crew always removes and stores my wheels when I'm done driving.
AMC Hornet - James Bond The Man With The Golden Gun
oh, ok. I guess if anything happened there then it would have been mentioned on Jalopnik.
Cool track. Do they ever have automobile races there?
The original picture shows the driver waving his left arm and that is where his hand should be. Someone edited his left arm out.
Someone edited that picture and took out the drivers left arm but left the hand there.
no memes, just cars please.
I bought a 1991 Camaro RS in 1993. The rear hatch had an electronic release that would randomly unlatch, open and then bump closed and re-latch. Passenger window leaked. Exterior trim fell off. It was easily blown around on windy days. Driving around with the T-tops off caused any loose dust & paper debris to form a…
Top 10 things that go through a bikers head:
how about cartoon cars? Speed Buggy